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Wayne PD welcomes four paws to the force
By Sarah Shurge
The Wayne Police Department is
excited to announce the newest mem-
ber of the department, K-9 Tanner.
K-9 Tanner is a German Shepard
and was born May 5th, 2022, in Ger-
many, however, he knows English
commands. K-9 Tanner is Officer
Ryan Caprathe’s partner and joined
the Wayne Police Department as a ca-
nine in training in September 2023.
Officer Caprathe joined the
Wayne PD in 2020.
“I always wanted to be a police of-
ficer since I was younger,” said Offi-
cer Caprathe. “I’ve always loved
animals, especially dogs, and work-
ing with dogs on the job. Whenever
we were able to have a canine
tracker, I always stepped up.”
The Wayne PD has had several ca-
nines in the history of the depart-
ment and always had a goal to
reinstitute the canine program, but
it had been difficult with staffing.
“A Wayne resident who passed
away years ago donated money to the
police department to fund/continue Officer Ryan Caprathe’s partner K-9 Tanner joined the Wayne Police Department as a canine in training in September.
the canine program,” said Wayne Po- (Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., K-9 Tanner lives with Officer situations where I can introduce Tan-
lice Chief Ryan Strong. “I am thrilled home training Friday and Saturday) Caprathe and gets along just fine ner to people. Just having more pos-
to have Tanner join our department that included tracking, evidence with Officer Caprathe’s other dog itive interactions with people.
and bring the K-9 program back.” searching, narcotic detection, build- Stella, an Australian Shepherd/Blue Building more community relation-
The department underwent inter- ing searches, suspect apprehension, Heeler mix. ships.”
view processes for selecting a han- and obedience. “Tanner is a very mild-mannered The canine program has so many
dler for K-9 Tanner and Officer Training will continue every other dog. He listens to commands well benefits not only for the police de-
Caprathe jumped at the chance. Wednesday throughout K-9 Tanner’s and is eager to go to work. He is very partment, but the community as
“This has been something that al- career. approachable and always running well. “The canine program is so im-
ways interested me and being se- “I’m very pleased with the dedica- up to people to get pets,” said Officer portant,” said Chief Strong. “It’s good
lected was a dream come true,” said tion Officer Caprathe has shown to Caprathe. for the officers and the community,
Officer Caprathe. “I got thrown right the training and the program al- K-9 Tanner has already begun to good for morale of the department,
into it. The dog was already selected, ready,” said Chief Strong. “He was meet members of the community. and a great public relations tool.”
so I picked him up and went to the eager to accept the commitment this Welcome K-9 Tanner to the Wayne
canine academy the very next day.” entails. Canines have a 7-8 year ca- “Whenever someone sees him, Police Department!
K-9 Tanner and Officer Caprathe reer, which is an enormous commit- they light up and want to meet him,” “Tanner is excited to meet peo-
completed three months of training ment.” said Officer Caprathe. “I really enjoy ple,” said Officer Caprathe.
12 · December 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch