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Do you make your bed properly? (Spoiler: Many don’t.)
I learned something the other day your pillow game. like this.
that I didn’t know—but probably And here’s how you do that, ac- But May insists that this is “an ex-
should have—because it makes a lot cording to Southern Living’s Sullivan tremely simple housekeeping tip that
of sense: May: truly does transform the feel of a
I learned the real reason why ho- “On all the beds in our home, we bedroom, and particularly, a guest
tels use white bed sheets. have two pillows with pillowcases room.”
According to the magazine Travel matching the sheet set, and two pil- Well, I guess that’s one way to im-
+ Leisure, it basically boils down to lows with pillowcases matching the press your overnight guests this hol-
humans being imperfect beings who quilt or duvet cover. We always add iday season.
want to be secure in the knowledge reading, go to your bed and—if it has at least one throw pillow and one Just don’t blame my column if
that hotel sheets are indeed clean been made this morning—look at throw blanket to each bed, so our they never want to leave.
when they look clean: which side of your sheet is facing up: guests feel comfortable and at home
“Guests wouldn’t really want bed Is it the top side (the side that’s more when staying at our house,” May Courtney Conover is wife, mom,
linens that hide stains. After all, how vibrant-colored) or is it the under- says. yoga instructor, and Chicken Soup
would you know for sure that the side (the side that’s faded and bear- Yeah, I venture to say that most for the Soul contributor who has
sheets were clean if stains could be ing the tag)? people’s bed pillows don’t look quite called Wayne home since 1995.
easily camouflaged? White sheets are Go ahead and check and con-
one effective way for hotels to prove tinue reading when you’re finished.
their standards of cleanliness. Much I’ll wait.
like how the wealthy used to wear all So…what did you discover?
white to show that they could afford The reason I ask is because, ac-
to keep it clean, hotels use all white cording to Southern Living magazine,
linens to show luxury. (Although, ad- the more vibrant-colored side is the
mittedly, even less luxurious hotels one that should actually be facing
use white sheets.)” down, contrary to many people’s be-
Learning that nugget of wisdom liefs.
was like pulling a loose thread (pun Here’s why: When you fold back
totally intended) that leads you down the top end of the top sheet over the
a rabbit hole. The next thing I knew, quilt, comforter, or duvet, the col-
I had embarked on an online hunt ored or patterned side shows.
for new, affordable (white, of course) According to Southern Living,
bed linens. one should fold the top sheet down
And that’s when I encountered a an inch or two over the top of your
Southern Living magazine article quilt, then fold both the top sheet
which details why some people put and quilt over one more time for a To Advertise in The Wayne Dispatch
on their top sheets upside down hotel-quality made bed. call 734-641-6550
when making their bed. I know. Sounds pretty fancy,
I was immediately intrigued by right?
this. I also admit to being perplexed. But wait. There’s more.
So, I clicked the link, and holy moly, The article then goes on to give a
I will never look at making a bed the directive on how to really take your
same way again. bed-making to the next level.
And just to clarify, the following If you want to be “extra,” as the
pertains to patterned sheets only. kids say these days—that’s slang for
Not white ones. excessive, dramatic behavior; doing
Now, before I go any further, stop the absolute most—you need to up
16 · December 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch