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Council selects finalist for city manager
By Sarah Shurge “My number one overall recom-
Wayne’s next city manager should mendation would be Webb, based on
be selected soon! her depth of diversity of experience
After eight years of serving the that all applies to the job. That to me
community, Lisa Nocerini resigned is an important component,” said
as Wayne city manager effective Councilperson Kevin Dowd.
Thursday August 31st. On Tuesday, Ayoub is currently the planning
September 5th, the city council director for the City of Westland.
voted 7-0 in favor of Wayne Police Ayoub has been with Westland since
Chief Ryan Strong being interim city 2019 and previously worked as a lec-
manager. turer for Eastern Michigan Univer-
The council also agreed to hire sity.
the Michigan Municipal League to do “I liked Ayoub. He had the qualifi-
a search for a new city manager. cations he needed for it. He’s a little
During a meeting Tuesday, De- green yet but as he said, he’s able to
cember 5th, the city council nar- be molded into the position,” said
rowed down the candidates from Councilperson Eric Cleereman.
seven to the final four. The council Wayne City Hall. After the meeting on Tuesday,
voted unanimously to conduct a sec- son Donald Quarles. “I think that as “For Marten, I liked that he had a Ayoub dropped out of the running
ond round of interviews with the a city manager, he’s already embed- background as a journalist and he via email.
four finalists: Chief Strong, Ken ded into our city and I believe that talked about openness, trans- The council is working on sched-
Marten, Diane Webb, and Mohamed his vision that he has moving for- parency, and being a city manager uling the second round of interviews
Ayoub. ward for our city is an absolutely who would be approachable. I think for the final three candidates within
Chief Strong has been with the great vision for us.” those things are important to us in the next few weeks. The three final-
Wayne Police Department for over 20 Marten works as a clerk and vil- moving forward,” said Councilper- ists will also be asked to meet with
years and has been the acting city lage administrator for Bingham son Mathew Mulholland. the city's department heads.
manager since Nocerini's departure. Farms, where he's been since 2018. Webb is the superintendent of Good luck to Chief Strong,
“Chief Strong really blew me away He has also worked for Lathrup Vil- Redford Township, where she's been Marten, and Webb during the next
with his interview,” said Councilper- lage. for three years. stage of the interview process!
18 · December 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch