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School district working
towards budget resolution
By Sarah Shurge
Over the summer, the Wayne-
Westland Community Schools
(WWCS) learned about significant is-
sues related to the district finances.
WWCS Superintendent John Dig-
nan, released a statement to the com-
munity on Tuesday, October 24th,
explaining that the annual fiscal
audit uncovered that what they be- on Thursday, December 7th, regard-
lieved to be a surplus was actually a ing updates to transportation serv-
budgetary shortfall. This would re- ices. This statement explained how
quire the board and the district to the district has requested proposals
make some hard decisions. from vendors to determine if priva-
After a thorough review of the stu- tizing the transportation services
dent enrollment, revenue cycle, and would better serve the students and
expenses, a decision was made for a families. Multiple vendors have re-
staff reduction of 24 of the district’s sponded to the request for propos-
1,661 full and part-time positions at als.
the end of the first semester in Janu- Wayne-Westland Community
ary. This reduction includes non-in- Schools have also heard from multi-
structional positions through ple stakeholders and bargaining
administrative roles. groups. The bargaining groups have
All impacted employees have expressed a desire to collaborate
been notified. with the district to identify ways to
Superintendent Dignan released control costs and increase consis-
another statement to the community tency.
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2023 · 17