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Remembering Jacob Dawson-Escobedo

          Community comes together to honor the death of 12-year-old

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            A  family  friend,  Michelle  Lozo,
             It started as what seemed like a                                                                     started a gofundme to help Jacob’s
          normal  day.  February  14th,  Valen-                                                                   parents with funeral and burial ex-
          tine’s Day. A day dedicated to love.                                                                    penses. Immediately, the community
          No one expected the day to end in                                                                       began to show their support with do-
          the tragic loss of a loved one.                                                                         nations and kind words. Over 600
             Jacob  Dawson-Escobedo  was                                                                          individuals donated, surpassing the
          right  in  front  of  Franklin  Middle                                                                  gofundme goal amount.
          School,  the  school  he  attended,                                                                        “He  turns  13  on  the  23rd.  We
          when  he  was  hit  and  killed  by  a                                                                  were  supposed  to  go  to  Franken-
          school bus.                                                                                             muth for his birthday. He was sup-
             Jacob was fatally hit at approxi-                                                                    posed to bring his best friend that
          mately 2:50 p.m. on Tuesday, Febru-                                                                     lives around the block,” said Daw-
          ary 14th. The sounds of police sirens                                                                   son. Dawson invited the community
          filled  the  air.  Annapolis  St.  was                                                                  to meet her in front of Franklin Mid-
          blocked off. A helicopter circled the                                                                   dle School, on Thursday, February
          scene.                                                                                                  23rd, what would have been Jacob’s
             “I remember thinking I was going                                                                     13th birthday. She asked everyone to
          to  take  the  kids  out  after  I  got  off                                                            bring a candle to blow out for Jacob
          work  for  Valentine’s  dinner,”  said                                                                  at 11:47am, the time he was born.
          Brian Escobedo, Jacob’s dad. “I was                                                                     Balloons were released as well.
          30 minutes from getting off of work                                                                        "He's just a good kid. He was re-
          when I got the call.”                                                                                   ally trying," said Dawson.
             Classes had just been dismissed                                                                         Jacob’s   celebration   of   life
          for the day. Joanie Dawson, Jacob’s                                                                     arrangements consisted of a viewing
          mom, told 7 Action News that one of                                                                     on his birthday, February 23rd, and
          Jacob’s friends had called her after                                                                    Friday,  February  24th.  His  family
          the accident.                                                                                           asked attendees to wear green or red,
             Dawson rushed to the school and                                                                      green being Jacob’s favorite color.
          arrived in time to follow the ambu-                                                                        Jacob’s burial was Saturday, Feb-
          lance and police vehicles to the hos-                                                                   ruary 25th. His coffin was green and
          pital. Jacob was transported to the                                                                     signed by loved ones.
          hospital but did not survive his in-                                                                       "He was so excited about different
          juries.                                                                                                 things.  We  played  "Dungeons  and
             “I had to walk out of the hospital                                                                   Dragons" together. We had a lot of
          and just leave him there,” said Daw-                                                                    stuff  in  common  that  we  really
          son.  “That  was  hard  because  I                                                                      shared  on,"  said  Escobedo.  "He
          shouldn't leave my children and not                                                                     looks like my mini-me. He looks just
          come back for them.”                                                                                    like me, it's like I lost myself."
             Wayne-Westland     Community                                                   Jacob Dawson-Escobedo    Jacob was the brother of Dallas,
          Schools  District  Superintendent                                                                       Elizabeth, Carly, and Karson. Grand-
          John Dignan issued a letter to par-                                                                     son of Darla Escobedo, David Taylor,
          ents announcing the tragedy.                                                                            Theresa  Taylor,  and  the  late  Babs.
             "Jacob was a wonderful student                                                                       Jacob  is  also  survived  by  many
          and friend who was always smiling,"                                                                     aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.
          said  Superintendent  Dignan.  "He                                                                         Jacob was described as a kind-
          was also creative and smart and was                                                                     hearted young man, making friends
          working  on  a  fantasy  book.  Jacob                                                                   with  anyone,  and  was  especially
          will be missed by his teachers and                                                                      close  to  Donovan,  Jaxon,  MJ,  and
          classmates."                                                                                            Kayden.
             School  was  back  in  session  at                                                                      Jacob’s loved ones said he loved
          Franklin  on  Wednesday  morning,                                                                       listening to music and he loved art,
          less than 24 hours after the accident.                                                                  especially  drawing.  He  loved  being
          Emotional support teams were pres-                                                                      outside, loved camping, and could
          ent at the school to offer assistance                                                                   never get enough of fishing. He en-
          to students and staff coping with the                                                                   joyed playing sports: football, basket-
          tragic loss.                                                                                            ball, and skateboarding. He had lots
             Jacob’s   classmates   covered                                                                       of fun playing video games and he en-
          Jacob’s locker with hand-drawn pic-  of their sorrow and grief. A small me-  after the accident with flowers, notes,  joyed collecting and reading comics.
          tures, letters, and other expressions  morial sat outside the school a day  and stuffed animals.           Jacob will be missed by many.
          10 · March 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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