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Check out Lanterns Church on Sundays in Taft Galloway

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            Cabildo   picked   the   name
             When you think of church, most                                                                       “Lanterns Church” for a specific rea-
          of the time you think of a building. A                                                                  son.
          location. A place to go.                                                                                   “Everyone understands the differ-
             “A  building  is  a  safe  place  to                                                                 ence between light and darkness. We
          gather, to worship, to be seen, to be                                                                   truly believe that the church is the
          welcomed at, but we understand the                                                                      light  and  we’re  called  to  share  his
          real truth, that church is the follow-                                                                  light, which makes us lanterns,” said
          ers,” said Ryan Cabildo, lead pastor                                                                    Pastor Cabildo.
          of Lanterns Church. “We don't want                                                                         Cabildo stated that Lanterns is a
          to go to church, we want to be the                                                                      multigenerational and multicultural
          church.”                                                                                                church.
             Lanterns Church doesn’t have a                                                                          “People tend to go places on Sun-
          building. On Sundays, Lanterns has                                                                      day where they are comfortable, and
          service in Taft Galloway Elementary                                                                     sometimes it can be a bit segregated.
          School.                                                                                                 After the past few years with division,
             “We don’t want to be known for                                                                       we get to focus on being unified and
          being inside a building. We want to                                                                     coming  together,”  said  Pastor  Ca-
          be  known  for  being  outside  in  the                                                                 bildo.
          community,” said Pastor Cabildo.                                                                           Lanterns invites and encourages
             Lanterns is a completely portable                                                                    the  public  to  come  with  an  open
          church.  After  service  is  over,  they                                                                mind. If you come and fill out a con-
          pack up and leave the school.                                                                           nect card, the church will donate five
             “We’re big on community. We see                                                                      dollars to Taft in partnership to pay
          the pros in being in a school with                                                                      for books for the upcoming school
          families and people with real needs,”                                                                   year.
          said  Pastor  Cabildo.  “We’ve  part-                                                                      Lanterns has service every Sun-
          nered with the social worker at Taft,                                                                   day at 10:30 a.m. in Taft Galloway
          and one of our staff members has a                                                                      Elementary School located at 4035
          child  that  goes  there.  What  better  Lanterns Church Children’s Director and Admin Olivia LaRowe, Operations Director  Gloria St Suite L, Wayne.
          place to be than a school?”                                                                                “We’re  a  new  church,  so  we’re
             Lanterns publicly launched their  and Groups Coordinator Kwa Mandisa and Pastor Ryan Cabildo.        slowly starting new things. We have
          first Sunday service in Taft Galloway  for them, a healing, and a God that  planting church, so a percentage of  meet-ups for women, men, and stu-
          on October 2nd, 2022.              says  ‘when  you  feel  lost,  you’ll  be  the donations they received went to  dents. We also have a kid’s program,
             “Don’t come in thinking we’re per-  found. When you feel broken, you’ll  starting other churches.    which is a safe place to learn about
          fect or that you have to be perfect,”  be healed.’ I get to do that everyday.  “They’re trying to expand the king-  love and purpose,” said Pastor Ca-
          said  Pastor  Cabildo.  “We’re  messy,  I can't imagine a better life,” said Pas-  dom of God and I thought ‘how can  bildo. If you have a need or want to
          we’re real, and we just want to do life  tor Cabildo.                 we have this experience and join the  meet with the Lanterns’ staff outside
          together. One of our favorite sayings  Cabildo has been a pastor for five  mission with the other churches in  of Sunday service, you can. Lanterns
          is ‘we’re a bunch of imperfect people  years, however, he didn’t always plan  Wayne’,” said Pastor Cabildo.   has sub-leased an office in the Cham-
          moving towards a perfect God’.”    on  being  a  pastor  or  starting  a  Cabildo  grew  up  longboarding  ber  of  Commerce  in  Downtown
             Lanterns is a church designed to  church.                          through the streets of Wayne. Wayne  Wayne. A Lanterns staff member will
          meet people where they are at.        In his early 20s he was a musi-  has  always  been  his  home  and  he  be there Monday - Thursday 9 a.m.-
             “We’re  helping  people  discover  cian that did small touring. He then  has a deep passion and love for the  4 p.m.
          their  God-given  purpose  through  went on to changing billboards on  city and its history.               For  more  information  about
          Jesus. We’re messy people that strug-  the side of highways.            “I didn't want to start a church. I  Lanterns  Church,  you  can  visit
          gle with addiction, anger issues, and  Around  seven  years  ago,  he  wanted someone else to do it and I  You  can  find
          other issues. But we’re able to tell  walked into a church that was only  would just help. But I just couldn't  them  on  Facebook,  Instagram,  or
          those people that there's a purpose  seven weeks old. This was a church-  shake  it.  It  kept  becoming  clearer  any  Podcast  app  by  searching
                                                                                and  clearer,”  said  Pastor  Cabildo. “Lanterns Church”.
                                                                               “God  used  other  people  and  they  If  you  have  any  questions,  you
                                                                                kept speaking it into my life.”   can  email  Pastor  Cabildo  at
                                                                                  A large amount of Cabildo’s fam-
                                                                                ily  now  serves  at  the  Lanterns  “It’s a team run church,” said Pas-
                                                                                Church and he claims they are and  tor Cabildo. “The diversity of people
                                                                                have been extremely supportive from  that come together to be the church
                                                                                the very start.                   Monday through Sunday is why we
                                                                                  Cabildo’s sister, Olivia LaRowe is  can  do  what  we  do.  From  the  guy
                                                                                Lanterns’  Children’s  Director  and  waving the sign in the parking lot, to
                                                                                Admin.  Cabildo’s  childhood  best  the people on stage, I couldn't imag-
                                                                                friend, Kwa Mandisa is Lanterns’ Op-  ine  doing  it  without  them.  It's  for
                                                                                erations Director and Groups Coor-  each and every person. Everyone has
                                                    Lanterns Church worship band.   dinator.                      value.”
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · March 2023 · 13
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