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How many of these apps do you use?

             I openly admit it: I am a reluctant                                  If nothing else, the list above is an  time on their mobile devices. “Mes-
          beneficiary of technology.                                            interesting metric because it sheds  senger  is  ceding  share,”  he  says.
             I like the smell, feel, and sound of                               light  on  what's  happening  in  the  “WhatsApp grew a good chunk in a
          turning a weathered page of a hard-                                   world. The same can be said for the  big market.”
          cover book. I prefer writing my lists                                 following list of the top 10 most pop-  I, for one, have begrudgingly re-
          on  the  backs  of  discarded  bill  en-                              ular apps right here in the U.S.:  solved to get with the program and
          velopes or pieces of scrap paper as                                                                     become better acquainted with a new
          opposed to taking advantage of my                                       10. Facebook (45.5M users)      app (or two) this year. We’ll see how
          cellphone’s voice dictation capability.                                 9. Messenger (46.3M users)      I feel come July.
          I  have,  however,  become  quite  de-  to  be  more  specific—were  on  An-  8. Amazon (47M users)        But I do have tremendous incen-
          pendent  on  checking  my  phone’s  droid devices, while only about eight  7. Roblox (50.9M users)      tive: I am the mother of not one but
          weather app—but only after years of  billion were on iOS (Apple's mobile  6. Subway Surfers (51.4M users)  two preteens, and they can already
          fighting it.                       operating  system  that  powers  the  5. Snapchat (54M users)        swipe circles around me.
             I’m a veritable dinosaur when it  iPhone  and  iPod  Touch).  However,  4. WhatsApp (63M users)         Any way you view this collective
          comes  to  high-tech  advancements.  when it came to actual revenue, the  3. Cash App (64M users)       data, one thing is obvious. People the
          There,  I  said  it.  And  while  I  don’t  percentages were reversed: iOS ac-  2. Instagram (72M users)  world over have something major in
          think I’m alone, I do think I’m in the  counted for almost $2 for each dol-  1. TikTok: (99M users)     common: When it comes to commu-
          minority—and with good reason: In  lar spent on Android: $1.80.                                         nication  and  entertainment,  our
          many instances, technology does in-   Regardless  of  whether  you  find  Adam  Blacker,  Director  of  Con-  smartphones reign supreme.
          deed make life easier. I know, I know:  these stats eyebrow-raising, you may  tent  &  Communications  for  App-  Where  would  we  be  without
          There is no replacement for knowing  be surprised by the following compi-  topia,  a  leader  in  the  app  store  them?
          how to get by using just your noggin.  lation  of  the  top  10  most  popular  analysis  industry,  says  that  what  Courtney Conover is wife, mom,
          After  all,  computers  freeze,  smart-  apps—worldwide—of 2022:      we’re seeing here is evidence of big  yoga instructor, and Chicken Soup
          phone screens shatter when they in-                                   changes in the mobile ecosystem and  for  the  Soul  contributor  who  has
          advertently fall off the counter, and  10. Spotify (238M users)       that people are spending much more  called Wayne home since 1995.
          there are many things in life that sim-  9. Stumble Guys (254M users)
          ply can’t be programmed.              8. Facebook (298M users)                            To Advertise in
             But  there  is  a  heck  of  a  lot  of  7. Subway Surfers (304M users)
          things that are. We can do just about  6. Telegram (310M users)       The Wayne Dispatch call 734-641-6550
          everything on our phones these days.  5. Snapchat (330M users)
          From banking to watching movies, to   4. CapCut (357M users)
          staying in touch with loved ones, it’s  3. WhatsApp (424M users)
          easy to see why we’ve become glued    2. Instagram (548M users)
          to our phones.                        1. TikTok (672M users)
             And,  astonishingly,  as  Forbes
          magazine reported recently, the mo-   Facebook dropped by more than
          bile industry is still growing—more  25%, while TikTok won big, and Cap-
          than  a  decade  after  the  era  of  the  Cut,  a  video  editing  software  that
          smartphone began.                  was  once  considered  ho-hum,
             Forbes found that Americans in-  cracked  the  top  four  most-down-
          stalled  37  billion  apps  in  the  first  loaded apps in the world. (It’s impor-
          quarter of last year, which was an  tant to note that CapCut is made by
          11% increase from 2021. (It’ll be in-  TikTok’s  parent  company  and  has
          teresting to see what this year’s first  since become a favored tool of influ-
          quarter  numbers  show.)  Most  of  encers for creating—you guessed it—
          2022 downloads—about 28 billion    TikTok videos.)

          12 · March 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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