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Jacob  Dawson-Es-               ing.  He had quite a talent for it. He
                                                                                cobedo passed away on             loved listening to music.  Jacob en-
                                                                                February  14,  2023  at           joyed being outside.  He loved camp-
                                                                                the age of 12 in Wayne,           ing, never got enough of fishing, and
                                                                                Michigan.  He was born            enjoyed playing sports; football, bas-
                                                                                on February 23, 2010 in           ketball,  and  skateboarding.  Jacob
                                                                                Wyandotte, Michigan to            had a lot of fun playing video games.
                                                                                Joanie  (Sean  Taylor)  Dawson  and  He enjoyed playing on line with his
                                                                                Brian  Escobedo.    Jacob  was  the  friends.  His favorites were Dead by
                                                                                beloved brother of Dallas, Elizabeth,  Daylight,  Fortnite,  Pokemon,  and
                                                                                Carly, and Karson.  Dear grandson  God of War.  Jacob also enjoyed col-
                                                                                of  Darla  Escobedo,  David  Taylor,  lecting and reading comics.
                                                                                Theresa  Taylor,  and  the  late  Babs.  Jacob was a kind hearted young
                                                                                Jacob  is  also  survived  by  many  man,  making  friends  with  anyone,
                                                                                aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.   and was especially close to Donovan,
                                                                                  Jacob loved art, especially draw-  Jaxon, MJ, and Kayden.

                                                                                  On  February  27th,             and mother in law, Jeff and Denise,
                                                                                Jason Napier was tragi-           brother and sister in law, Jeff and
                                                                                cally  taken  from  this          Jen, and niece and nephew Jeffrey
                                                                                world. He leaves behind           and Alyssa. He had countless friends
                                                                                his  soulmate  and  best          and family members who he loved
                                                                                friend  Abby  and  the            and cherished.  Jason loved his fam-
                                                                                loves  of  his  life,  his        ily, watching Fraiser with Abby, and
                                                                                daughters  Nora  and  Lucy.  His  building robots. He had an intense
                                                                                beloved parents, Dave and Val, and  love for pizza and death metal. He
                                                                                brother Chris were a steadfast part  adored all things nerdy; Star Wars,
                                                                                of his life. He was lucky to have a  comics,  video  games  and  Stephen
                                                                                bonus  second  family  of  his  father  King books.

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · March 2023 · 11
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