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UAW strike finally ends after agreement
By Sarah Shurge Members of Local 900 voted 82%
After nearly seven weeks, the in favor of the four year-and-eight
United Auto Workers (UAW) strike month deal, the UAW said in a state-
against the “Big Three” (Ford Motor ment Thursday, November 2nd.
Company, General Motors, and Stel- “We [Ford Michigan Assembly
lantis) has finally come to an end. Plant] were the first ones out, and
On Friday, September 15th, the the first ones to ratify the agree-
UAW launched a strike against the ment,” said Smith. “That shows that
“Big Three” in an effort to encourage the majority of the membership was
negotiations with each carmaker. It happy with the tentative agreement
was the first time in history that the that our national negotiators brought
UAW staged a simultaneous strike to us.”
against all three automakers. Voting by Ford’s union members
The UAW was seeking wage in- will continue through Friday, Novem-
creases and other demands. ber 17th.
The union expanded its strike “I love my city and I can't thank
against the automakers each week them enough for all their love and
that the strike was ongoing and support for the Local 900 strike,”
reached 46,000 of the UAW’s said Smith.
146,000 auto workers on strike at Businesses like Northside True
eight assembly plants and 38 parts Local 900 left the picket lines on Wednesday, October 25th, when the union an- Value Hardware donated items like a
warehouses across the nation. nounced the tentative deal with Ford. tent canopy to keep the rain off mem-
“We’re out there every day in all lines until Wednesday, October 25th, staff. They were instrumental in de- bers, hand warmers, coolers, and
weather elements. We’re out there for when the union announced the tenta- livering this historic agreement.” bug spray. DICK’S Sporting Goods
not only our cause, but the cause for tive deal with Ford. Three of Local 900’s members donated two 10x10 canopies.
future employees,” said Mike Smith, “I can't say enough about Presi- were a part of the negotiation team Frank’s Firewood donated firewood
UAW Local 900 Vice President dur- dent Shawn Fain, Vice President at the main table: Dwayne Walker: to keep members warm. Norm’s
ing the strike. Chuck Browning, and the national Local 900 President, Scott Elliott: Market donated hot dogs. Michigan
Members were required to be on negotiators,” said Smith. “We were Michigan Assembly Plant Chairman, Halla Meats donated over 200
the picket line for six hours, one day very fortunate to have three of our and Mike Beydoun: Skill Trades Dis-
a week. They remained on the picket own members on the negotiations trict Committee Person. See UAW, page 15
The Wayne Dispatch · November 2023 · 13