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P. 15
UAW, Continued from page 13 the outside and the inside.
“I need to give another shout out
pounds of hamburger. Jimmy to Bill Johnson (Financial Secretary)
John’s donated bread to make sand- and his team that made sure every
wiches. Little Caesars donated pizza. employee received their strike pay,
US12 Bar and Grill donated food and Greg O’Neil (Plant Chairman for
and other non-perishable items. ISA) that was out there every day on
“I have to thank Wayne Releaf and the line supporting every one of our
Emmit from Club Canton Bar for al- striking members,” said Smith. “The
lowing us to use their parking lots, members never lost support. They
Avis Ford for renting the four passen- never lost momentum.”
ger vans we used to transport our Smith has been the Local 900
members, and Jack Demmer Ford vice president since 2011 and has
for all their support and helping re- worked for Ford Motor Company for
pair the vans we rented to keep 33 years.
transportation available for all the “My heart bleeds UAW and I’m a
workers,” said Smith. proud Ford employee,” said Smith.
Many other businesses and resi- “This is not just a labor organization,
dents showed support by donating it’s a community driven organiza-
water, bags of ice, firewood, and non- tion.”
perishable items for the Local 900 UAW Local 900 has hosted and
food pantry. participated in events such as: Red
Members and retirees also Cross blood drives, food drives, food
showed support by volunteering to banks, coat drives, back-to-school
drive the shuttle vans, walk the line, drive with Hill Crest Bible Church,
help in the kitchen, and make food. Adopt an Angel with Wayne-Westland
“I need to give a huge shout out to Goodfellows, Trunk-or-Treat, Stuff
Ebony Kennedy (Community Chair), the Bronco, Stuff the Bus, and much
Katie Martin (Chair of Retirees), and more.
all the members that were working Even after dealing with a nearly
in the Local 900 kitchen. They seven week strike, the Local 900 is
played a huge role in keeping the already planning their Adopt an
morale up and supporting the work- Angel program to support less fortu-
ers,” said Smith. nate families for Christmas.
Emergency responders also sup- If you’d like to get involved or sup-
ported the UAW. port the UAW Local 900, they collect
“I can’t say thank you enough to eyeglasses for Lions Club, Cell
the Wayne Police Department and Phones for Soldiers with the Wayne
Fire Department for how they Police Department, or you can drop
worked with Local 900 and how they off gently used clothing that they
navigated keeping people safe,” said share with Veteran’s Haven or Light-
Smith. house Church.
“The Local 900 strike was so suc- UAW Local 900 is located at
cessful that we did not have one in- 38200 Michigan Ave in Wayne.
jury or one ticket issued. That’s For more information about UAW
huge.” Local 900 or upcoming events, you
The Local 900 strike ran so can find them on Facebook by
smoothly due to the immense sup- searching “UAW Local 900” or call
port from so many people on both (734) 721-2530.
The Wayne Dispatch · November 2023 · 15