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Recalled former Councilman
Sanders finally pleads guilty
By Sarah Shurge
If you’ve been reading the Wayne
Dispatch for years, you might recall
reading about former recalled Wayne
city councilman Christopher
Sanders back in November 2017
through October 2020.
For those that don’t remember,
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Wor-
thy charged Sanders and another
man, Jimmie Chandler, both with
planting a starter pistol and fake
drugs in a city employee’s car.
Allegedly on October 16, 2017,
Sanders paid Chandler to break into
the vehicle belonging to a female em-
ployee of the City of Wayne and plant
a starter pistol and fake drugs in her
car. When the woman left the park-
ing lot, Chandler called 911 to report
a false road rage incident and identi- Former recalled City of Wayne Council-
fied her vehicle. man Christopher James Sanders.
The police never stopped her car, fused to accept responsibility for his
but when she discovered the pistol actions, until he returned to court
and suspected drugs in her glovebox, Monday, October 30, 2023, regard-
she called the Wayne Police Depart- ing his plea deal, and we have the
ment to report it. transcript for you.
Investigation by the Michigan The following transcript is be-
State Police led to the arrest of both tween: Assistant Prosecuting Attor-
Sanders and Chandler. ney Matthew Penney; Attorney Jeff
Fox 2 News reported that accord- McCarty, on behalf of Sanders; and
ing to attorney Scott Ruark, Sanders Defendant Sanders.
was still a councilman at the time. MR. PENNEY: Mr. Sanders, I'm
The City of Wayne held a special going to ask you a few questions. If
election for the recall of Sanders on something is not clear or you don't
Tuesday, May 8, 2018. Sanders was understand, just let me know, okay?
recalled. DEFENDANT SANDERS: Okay.
Fox 2 News also reported on how MR. PENNEY: October the 16,
records show Sanders had quite a 2017, did an individual named Jim-
criminal past in 2006. He was ac- mie Chandler place a starter pistol
cused of selling fake IDs and selling and fake narcotics in a vehicle be-
alcohol to minors. In 2013, a case longing to Lisa Nocerini, N-o-c-e-r-i-
was dismissed where he was ac- n-i.
cused of larceny, two counts of em- DEFENDANT SANDERS: Yes.
bezzlement - including embezzling MR. PENNEY: And was that at
from a charity or non-profit, forgery, your direction?
uttering and publishing and identity DEFENDANT SANDERS: Yes.
theft. MR. PENNEY: And was the intent
Both Sanders and Chandler were to have the police discover those and
charged with false report of a felony, start a felony investigation?
conspiracy to commit false report of DEFENDANT SANDERS: Yes.
a felony, and attempted false report MR. PENNEY: I'm satisfied.
of a felony. Sanders received a MR. MCCARTY: Defense is satis-
$10,000 personal bond. fied.
Hometown Life reported that If you want to read the full tran-
Judge Donald Knapp rejected script, you can visit thewaynedis-
Sanders’ request for a case dis- and download the
missal before discussions about a transcript PDF from the story.
plea. Sanders’ sentencing date is set
Sanders rejected all deals and re- for Wednesday, November 29th.
The Wayne Dispatch · November 2023 · 17