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10th annual holiday meals for Military members

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         on Wayne Road in Westland.
             As the leaves begin to change and                                                                       If for any reason you are unable
          the temperature begins to drop, hol-                                                                    to  pick  up  your  meal  during  the
          iday season is quickly approaching.                                                                     scheduled day or hours of pickup,
          We  think  of  Halloween,  Thanksgiv-                                                                   contact the Wayne Ford Civic League
          ing, and Christmas, but do you think                                                                    at (734)728-5010 and you can sched-
          of our veterans?                                                                                        ule a home delivery. Assistance, spe-
             It’s  important  to  give  thanks  to                                                                cial  arrangements,  or  delivery
          our  veterans.  That’s  why  Westland                                                                   options are available. Westland Com-
          Mayor  Michael  P.  Londeau,  Wayne                                                                     munity Police Officers and Firefight-
          Mayor  John  Rhaesa,  Wayne-Ford                                                                        ers  will  be  delivering  meals  to
          Civic  League  President  Vic  Barra,                                                                   veterans.
          and elected officials are coming to-                                                                       Barra has been involved with the
          gether for the 10th Annual Holiday                                                                      program  since  day  one  when  it
          Meals for Wayne-Westland veterans                                                                       started ten years ago.
          and active duty families.                                                                                  After retiring from Ford in 2019,
             “This is not a needy-veterans pro-                                                                   Barra accepted the Director position
          gram,  this  is  a  thank-you-for-your-                                                                 under Mayor Wild. He also holds the
          service program,” said Barra. “This                                                                     title of Veteran Affairs Liaison. Barra
          is a meal provided by your commu-                                                                       is a veteran himself. He joined the
          nity in gratitude for your service.”                                                                    U.S. Air Force in 1977. Now, Barra
             The program is for Wayne-West-  you have to do is register using one  501©4  corporation.  Tax  ID  38-  manages all things veteran that go
          land  veterans,  surviving  spouses,  of the four following methods:  6085890).                         through City Hall.
          and  families  of  active  duty  service  #1: You can register online with  The  John  Glenn  Football  team  “We’ve made a commitment to vet-
          members. All you have to do is regis-  the   online    form      at   will  be  volunteering  staff  for  pre-  erans to make sure the program con-
          ter and then you will receive a free  packaging the meals.             tinues each year,” said Barra. “With
          meal.                              Meals-for-Military-Members-Progr     Veterans,  active-duty  service  the way prices have increased, it’s be-
             “We want veterans to get appreci-  #2: You can call the Mayor's Of-  members and/or their families can  come more challenging to keep up
          ation and pick up the meal even if  fice at either: Mayor Londeau's Office  pick up their meal on Saturday, No-  with the costs of the program. We’re
          they don’t need it. They can give it  at (734)467-3200 or Mayor Rhaesa's  vember 18th, between 10 a.m. and 1  reaching out to individuals and spon-
          away  to  someone  that  does,”  said  Office at (734)895-9196.       p.m. at the Wayne Ford Civic League  sors to help support this.”
          Barra. “Whether you eat it or give it  #3:  You  can  download  the  Vet-
          away, it doesn't matter. We just want  eran's  Registration  Form  from  the
          to say thank you.”                 website listed above, fill it out, and
             When  the  program  originally  email the completed form to either:
          started ten years ago, they were only  Mayor  Londeau  at  mayor@city-
          passing out 30 frozen turkeys from or Mayor Rhaesa at
          the  trunk  of  their  car.  However,  it
          quickly  grew  to  supply  an  entire  #4: Or you can drop off the com-
          meal so veterans can invite their fam-  pleted form at either City Hall build-
          ily or friends over to eat with them.   ing.
             “There  was  a  stigma  attached   Applications must be submitted
          early on that this was for needy vet-  no  later  than  noon  on  Wednesday,
          erans only. We’ve wanted to change  November  15th,  to  receive  a  com-
          the  image  of  the  program,”  said  plete holiday meal for free.
          Barra. “It’s been ten years of veter-  The fundraising goal this year is
          ans feeling the love of their commu-  17K-20K, as they hope to increase
          nity. It’s been a great ten years and  the veteran sign-ups to 450+ meal
          I’m  happy  I’ve  got  to  be  a  part  of  packages. If you are interested in do-
          this.”                             nating  to  the  cause,  please  visit:
             Once  registered,  recipients  will
          receive a (12-16 pound) turkey, stuff-  R3M6CPTB6C/checkout/LPN-
          ing,  mashed  potatoes  and  gravy,  WCQB6L62T2KEW3OCQG4GC,
          sweet  potatoes,  corn,  green  beans,  If you’d rather donate by check,
          cranberry sauce, and heat and serve  donation  checks  can  be  mailed  di-
          rolls for a family of 6-8 people.   rectly without service fees being de-
             267 meal packages were handed   ducted from your gift and should be
          out in 2020, 348 meals in 2021, and  made  payable  to  the  Wayne  Ford
          392 meals in 2022. The remaining   Civic  League  located  at  1661  N.
          balance of meals or any extra sup-  Wayne  Rd.  Westland,  Michigan
          plies  is  given  to  the  residents  at  48185. Please note in the memo sec-
          Thomas F Taylor Towers.            tion:  Veteran  Meal  Program  2023.
             The meal is completely free, all  (The Wayne Ford Civic League is a
          14 · November 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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