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P. 21

1             obligated to do so?

                 2                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Correct, yes.

                 3                            THE COURT:  Do you understand that if your plea

                 4             is accepted you may be giving up the right to appeal

                 5             issues that would otherwise be appealable if you were

                 6             convicted at a trial?

                 7                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Yes.

                 8                            THE COURT:  Mr. McCarty and Mr. Penney, are

                 9             either of you aware of any promises, threats, or

               10              inducements other than those already disclosed on the

               11              record?

               12                             MR. PENNEY:  No, your Honor.

               13                             MR. MCCARTY:  Defense is not.

               14                             THE COURT:  Mr. Penney, would you please create

               15              a factual basis?

               16                             MR. PENNEY:  Mr. Sanders, I'm going to ask you

               17              a few questions.  If something is not clear or you don't

               18              understand, just let me know, okay?

               19                             DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Okay.

               20                             MR. PENNEY:  October the 16th, 2017, did an

               21              individual named Jimmie Chandler place a starter pistol

               22              and fake narcotics in a vehicle belonging to Lisa

               23              Nocerini, N-o-c-e-r-i-n-i.

               24                             DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Yes.

               25                             MR. PENNEY:  And was that at your direction?

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