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Cash Stuffing: Have you heard of it?

             It’s a Thing                                                       term savings. Taylor and her follow-  student loan debt and wipe out her
             Jasmine Taylor was once afflicted                                  ers “stuff” the appropriate propor-  medical  debt  and  credit  card  bal-
          with  something  that  ails  a  lot  of                               tion  of  cash  inside  individual  ance. In spring of 2021, Taylor, who
          Americans:  Not  having  enough                                       envelopes, or in labeled binders or  has  628,000  followers  on  TikTok,
          money. And being saddled with debt                                    cash wallets.                     used her $1,200 stimulus check to
          certainly didn't help.                                                  If  this  seemingly  old  school  purchase  a  Shopify  account,  ship-
             She had roughly $60,000 in stu-                                    method  of  financial  organization  ping  supplies,  material  for  cash-
          dent  loan  debt  as  well  as  another                               sounds  familiar,  it’s  because  it  is.  stuffing  wallets,  and  a  Cricut
          $9,000 in medical and credit card                                     The act of budgeting with envelopes  machine to print labels for envelopes
          debt on top of her regular expenses.  But  Taylor’s  next  move  was  a  has  been  around  for  decades  and  and wallet covers.
          That  can  make  it  awfully  hard—if  game changer: She turned cash stuff-  grew quite popular in the days be-  In 2022, her business pulled in
          not impossible—to make ends meet.  ing into an actual business, which  fore  debit  cards  and  online  pay-  about $850,000. This year, it’s pro-
             “I just remember wondering how  she  named  Baddies  and  Budgets.  ments.                           jected to clear $1 million.
          I was going to make it through the  The  businesses  is  now  the  vehicle  “I’ve had older women reach out,”  Turning a TikTok presence into a
          next month,” Taylor, 31, of Amarillo,  she  uses  to  sell  money  courses,  adds Taylor. “They come across my  full-time business doesn’t have to be
          Texas,  remembers  telling  CNBC   budgeting supplies, and other acces-  content, and they’re like, ‘My grand-  your  plan  to  make  cash  stuffing
          Make It.                           sories.                            mother used to do that!’”         work for you—or your bottom line.
             Then  things  went  from  bad  to  And that has translated into lots  After a few months of cash stuff-  Starting modestly with a concerted
          worse when she lost her full-time job  of dollars for Taylor.         ing, Taylor had saved $1,000. It was  effort  to  save  a  certain  amount  of
          and had to resort to side hustles like  More on that in a second. First,  the first time in her life she had ac-  money—no matter how small—can
          delivering prescriptions for pharma-  let’s take a closer look at cash stuff-  cess to that much cash.  produce a sizable stash in the long
          cies and food for DoorDash.        ing.                                 She says, “It’s a really surreal feel-  run.
             Taylor wasn’t quite sure what to   When Taylor started cash stuffing,  ing when you’re a person who has  “The same stuff I teach my audi-
          do next, but she knew this: She had  she operated on a zero-based budget,  mismanaged  money  all  their  life,  ence, I still use in my everyday life,”
          to adjust her mindset around money.  which is the most common option  when  you  finally  get  to  the  point  Taylor says.
             Enter the resource many people  among  cash  stuffers,  Taylor  says.  where it’s like, ‘OK, I can do this.’”  Courtney Conover is wife, mom,
          consult now when they don’t know   This  means  you  start  your  budget  Taylor is doing it.           yoga instructor, and Chicken Soup
          what to do: YouTube. That’s how Tay-  with whatever your paycheck num-  After  one  year  of  cash  stuffing,  for  the  Soul  contributor  who  has
          lor discovered something called cash  ber is, and then you give every dollar  Taylor was able to pay off $23,000 in  called Wayne home since 1995.
          stuffing, a money management strat-  a  place  to  go,  down  to  zero.  Next,
          egy that would soon change her life.  Taylor divvies up her money in the
             Says Taylor, “I literally stuck to it.  form of physical cash.
          I  would  only  spend  what  I  had  in  “I put aside money for bills in en-
          cash.”                             velopes. I put money aside for vari-
             And she had a plan to hold her-  able  expenses,  which  is  weekly
          self accountable, too.             spending,” she says. “Then you also
             She would post her spending on  put money aside for ‘sinking funds,’
          TikTok, a social media platform that  which  are  like  little  short-term  or
          was then basically known for quick  long-term savings accounts.” Those
          and catchy dance routines.         can  include  an  emergency  fund,
             The rest, as they say, is history.  money  for  car  maintenance  or
             Taylor’s cash stuffing posts soon  money earmarked for the holidays.
          went viral, which is akin to striking  Whatever is left over is then put
          gold in the forms of views and recog-  aside for the future, goes toward pay-
          nition.                            ing down debt or building up long-

          10 · September 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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