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P. 9
Principal, Continued from page 3 you. Thank you for entrusting us
with your scholar’s education. And
And, right now, our babies are start- we’ve got you. We’ve got this. And
ing to have babies! We have one we’ve only scratched the surface in
grandbaby that’s 15 months old, we year one. This partnership we’re em-
have a grandson that’s three months barking on together is authentic and
old, and we have another grandbaby we will continue to build on that. To
on the way this fall. Things are hap- our students, they need to know and
pening fast. understand that we’re going to have
CC: As we embark on this new those same high expectations and ac-
school year, if you could share two countability daily, and we need them
distinct messages of encourage- here in school. Every single day.
ment—one to parents, the other to Then, together, we’ll be able to guide
students—what would they be? them through the work so that they
CG: To our parents and can make great accomplishments.
guardians, I just want to say thank It’s going to be a great year.
The Wayne Dispatch · September 2023 · 9