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Church bell is now ringing at St. Joseph’s

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         ary for parents to take their babies
             Church bells aren’t heard as often                                                                   or young children to during service
          as they used to be, but St. Joseph's                                                                    if they are “cry babies.” The church’s
          Catholic  Church  is  excited  and                                                                      next project is expanding the confes-
          proud to keep the sound of church                                                                       sional and making it wheelchair ac-
          bells ringing in Wayne.                                                                                 cessible.
             “It's like a traditional thing,” said                                                                   “People come from all over South-
          Father  Francisco  Radecki,  CMRI                                                                       East  Michigan,  Ohio  and  even  On-
          (Congregation of Mary Immaculate                                                                        tario to hear our Latin Mass,” said
          Queen). “All the other parishes I've                                                                    Father Radecki. “It’s a great place to
          been in and served at have had bells.                                                                   be in Wayne.”
          It  does  a  lot  for  people  when  you                                                                   There  are  prayer  books  in  the
          start Mass with a bell. It tells people                                                                 pews that have both Latin and Eng-
          something special is going on.”                                                                         lish, so people can follow along.
             Father  Radecki  came  to  St.                                                                          “It's  nice  to  see  all  the  younger
          Joseph's Catholic Church in 1993.                                                                       kids  following  along,”  said  Father
          St. Joseph's was incorporated in the                                                                    Radecki. “I have a wonderful parish.
          state of Michigan in 1991 and still of-                                                                 They’re  wonderful  people  and  it's
          fers traditional Latin Mass.       Father Francisco Radecki with the church bell, believed to have come from a church  great serving them. I never get tired
             Latin Mass used to be offered all                                                                    of it. I’m really happy with what I'm
          over the world, but in 1969 the first  in Cadillac, Michigan. Photo by John P. Rhaesa                   doing.”
          full revised Latin texts of Mass after  Joseph pray for us” in Czech and “I  and the stained-glass windows from  Father Radecki was also a scuba
          the Second Vatican Council were re-  praise the true God” in Latin. The  Canton, Ohio.”                 diver, flew helicopters, and did digi-
          leased.  The  International  Commis-  bell  was  sandblasted  and  powder  The main altar is from Nebraska.  tal recordings. He filmed Mass at St.
          sion on English (ICEL) released its  coated, but the patina original finish  The tabernacle is from Akron, Ohio.  Joseph's that sold in over 102 coun-
          first full English translation in 1970.  was kept.                    The  crucifix  above  the  altar,  angel  tries  across  the  world.  His  twin
             “Latin Mass is growing,” said Fa-  The bell was blessed and the bell  statues, and confessional is from De-  brother, who was also ordained at
          ther Radecki. “We started with one  tower was mounted on the church   troit. The baptismal font is from Day-  the same time as him, is a priest in
          service and went to three.”        on Tuesday, May 9th, 2023. Connelly  ton, Ohio. The Stations of the Cross  the Los Angeles area. The brothers
             With  the  church’s  growing  serv-  Crane put up the bell tower and D&L  are from Mancelona, Michigan. The  have written four books together and
          ices, renovations needed to be made.  Equipment secured the bell. Steve  church statues are from Nebraska,  are currently working on a fifth book
             “Many items used at St. Joseph's  School  and  the  Deck  Barn  also  Lackawanna, New York, and Toledo,  this year. Father Radecki has written
          were  discarded  from  Catholic    helped with the bell.              Ohio. The communion rail is from  six other books on his own.
          churches in other areas due to the   “We want to thank them and the   Wayne, Michigan. The pews are from   “Put  your  heart  into  everything
          Vatican  II  changes,”  said  Father  officials because if it wasn't for every-  Flint,  Michigan.  And  the  candle  you do and just recharge when you
          Radecki. “We’re preserving little bits.  one involved, we wouldn't have the  racks are from Ohio.       have to,” said Father Radecki. “I love
          Everything's meant to be.”         bell,” said Father Radecki.          Fifteen  years  ago,  St.  Joseph's  serving God and helping people. I’ve
             The most recent item the church    St. Joseph's also redid the cross  Catholic Church built the choir loft  helped a lot of people and everything
          received was a church bell, believed  on top of the church.           that  the  rope  to  ring  the  bell  now  is pretty special.”
          to have come from a church in Cadil-  “St. Joseph's is trying to preserve  hangs  in.  The  bell  rings  for  Mass,  St. Joseph's Catholic Church has
          lac, Michigan.                     Catholic  tradition  throughout  the  weddings, and funerals. Members of  three  Masses  on  Sunday  at:  7:30
             St. Joseph's purchased the bell  ages,”  said  Father  Radecki.  “When  the parish take turns ringing the bell.  a.m.,  9:30  a.m.,  and  11:45  a.m.
          on June 8th, 2021 from Brosamer's  our parish beautified the sanctuary,  “People love it because it's so cool  They have weekday Mass and school-
          Bells, Inc. The 600 pound bell was  the pillars came from Cincinnati, the  hearing a bell,” said Father Radecki.  day Mass twice a week. The church
          made  by  Meneely  Bell  Foundry  in  capitals came from Chicago, the or-  St.  Joseph's  has  a  soundproof  is located at 3521 Fourth Street in
          1918.  Engraved  on  the  bell  is  “St.  nate  plaster  came  from  Cleveland,  cry-room in the back of the sanctu-  Wayne.

                                                                                                             The Wayne Dispatch · September 2023 · 11
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