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Fest, Continued from page 4
                                                                                                                     Since then, Botu purchased and
                                                                                                                  now  owns  the  Makers  Market  as
             Thomas  (Tom)                   Ava  McPherson,  Quinn  Cash  and  life, he worked part-time at his par-  well. There are 30 different crafters
          Daily  was  born                   Eiley O’Riordan.                   ent’s  grocery  store,  family  parking  inside the shop.
          April  2,  1935,  in                  Tom was active in sports, playing  lots at Olympia and Tiger Stadium,  “I’m really looking forward to see-
          Highland Park, MI                  football and baseball in high school,  as well as owning a small parking lot  ing  everyone  come  back  together,”
          to George and Mae                  later playing softball, handball, and  near  Tiger  Stadium.  Later,  he  said Botu. “It’s so fun to see vendors
          (Blaker)    Daily.                 golf. He was one of the original mem-  worked part-time at Harry J. Will Fu-  that have become like family, seeing
          Raised  in  Inkster,               bers  of  the  Wayne  Fitness  Center  neral Homes until retiring in 2018.  kids running through the park with
          MI.                                where he enjoyed working out, jog-   Tom was an active member of the  a smile on their face. It's not just a
             Tom  graduated                  ging, and swimming. Tom loved to   Knights of Columbus, Wayne Civitan  show, it's more like one big family re-
          from high school and later earned  travel, he visited all fifty states and  Club,  Wayne  100  Club  (one  of  the  union.”
          his degree from Madonna University.  over forty countries. He was a life-  founders)  and  one  of  the  original  Flowers in the Mitten is located at
          He spent two years in the U.S. Army  long fan of Notre Dame football since  members  of  W.U.J.A.’s.  He  was  a  34852 W Michigan Ave in downtown
          from  1956-57  in  Berlin,  Germany.  1946 and was a HUGE fan of all De-  member of St. Mary Parish for over  Wayne. It’s open Tuesday through Fri-
          Tom married Mary Anne Stinson on   troit sports teams.                50 years and a long-time retreatant  day 10 a.m. through 5 p.m., and Sat-
          October  17,  1959,  and  together    Tom and Mary Anne began their   with St. Paul of the Cross in Detroit.  urday 10 a.m. through 2 p.m.
          raised   five   children:   Timothy  lives  in  Dearborn  Heights  before  Tom donated his time to civic and  For  more  information  about
          (Susan)  Daily,  Annemarie  (Mike)  moving to Wayne in June 1971, liv-  non-profit organizations, he was an  Scarecrow Fest or Flowers in the Mit-
          Cash,  Andrew  (Karen)  Daily,  Jen-  ing in Wayne until moving in 2021 to  active volunteer with Red Cross, St.  ten, you can visit the website at flow-
          nifer (Kevin) McPherson and Kevin  Walton  Woods  in  Canton.  Tom    Vincent  DePaul,  Penrickton  Center,   contact
          Daily. Eleven grandchildren; Taylor  started his career in banking, work-  for   Blind   Children,   Special,  or
          (Jahaira)   McPherson,    Kirsten  ing for NBD and Wayne Bank. At age  Olympics,  United  Way,  and  Jr.  call  (734)992-8334.  You  can  also
          (Owen)  O’Riordan,  Timothy  (Polly)  40, he made a career change and re-  Achievement. He was a member of  check  out  its  Facebook  page  by
          Cash, Rhett Cash, Daly McPherson,  ceived a degree from Madonna Uni-  the local Draft Board for the Vietnam  searching “Flowers in the Mitten” for
          Hannah  Daily,  Max  McPherson,    versity then worked for the City of  War and was appointed to the Great  live  videos,  giveaways,  and  an-
          Drew Daily, Audris Daily, Brooksley  Wayne, retiring in 1992 as the city  Lakes Safety Standards Commission  nouncements.
          Daily  and  Thomas  E.  Daily,  de-  manager. After retiring, he served as  in  1987  by  Governor  Blanchard.  Be  sure  to  come  out  and  enjoy
          ceased.  Five  great  grandchildren;  an interim city manager for several  Tom spent his final days with family  scarecrows  in  downtown  Wayne
          Fiona  O’Riordan,  Cash  O’Riordan,  local cities in Michigan. During his  and friends at Angela Hospice.  again!

          8 · September 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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