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School district gives financial update to community

          By Sarah Shurge                    Wayne-Westland Community Schools   significant budgetary issues.     operational costs spiking due to in-
             Over  the  summer  of  2023,  the  posted a video on Facebook to help  Campbell  explained  that  in  flation.
          Wayne-Westland Community Schools   explain  their  ongoing  work  and  school  finance  there  is  what  is  All these factors totaled approxi-
          (WWCS) learned about significant is-  strategic direction as the financial in-  termed “flow-through transactions.”  mately  15  million  dollars  more
          sues related to the district finances.   vestigation wraps up.        This  is  anticipated  revenue  desig-  (mostly in wages and benefits) than
             The WWCS has been in a close      “There is no evidence of missing  nated for a specific purpose offset by  the prior year.
          budget review following the annual  money,” said Chief Financial Officer  corresponding expenditures. Mean-  “Regrettably  these  increased  ex-
          fiscal audit.                      Julie  Campbell.  “There  were  two  ing: your revenue coming in is equal  penditures were not factored into the
             WWCS Superintendent John Dig-   major budget issues that contributed  to your expenditure going out, and  final budget amendment, contribut-
          nan shared these facts with the com-  to this surprise decrease in the dis-  your change to the bottom line is a  ing  to  the  apparent  decline  in  the
          munity through letters on October  trict  fund  balance  from  what  was  net  zero.  “One  such  transaction  fund balance,” said Campbell.
          24th, December 7th, and December   projected to be 15.6% to an actual  amounting to about 8.4 million dol-  Campbell emphasized that there
          8th                                fund balance of 6.2%.”             lars targeted for the Office of Retire-  is  no  missing  money  and  that  the
             Thursday,   December     14th,     This reduction resulted from two  ment  Services  (which  is  the  state  perceived discrepancy in the district
                                                                                pension system) had a significant im-  fund balance results from expendi-
                                                                                pact  on  our  fund  balance,”  said  tures not included in the final budget
                                                                                Campbell. “Unfortunately, while the  amendment.
                                                                                revenue  was  budgeted,  the  corre-  “When  the  budget  discrepancy
                                                                                sponding  expenditures  were  not.  was  identified,  the  district  re-
                                                                                Creating a misleading appearance of  sponded  immediately  and  worked
                                                                                a higher fund balance.”           with our new financial team to un-
                                                                                  Campbell  explained  the  second  derstand what had occurred,” said
                                                                                budgetary challenge arose from vari-  Superintendent  Dignan.  “I’m  confi-
                                                                                ous factors including: all staff senior-  dent  that  working
                                                                                ity  steps,  salary  increases,  new  together  with  our
                                                                                bonuses, and a 4.1% increase in dis-  board of education,
                                                                                trict-wide healthcare hardcaps.   union  leadership,
                                                                                  Other contributing factors were a  and school commu-
                                                                                significant surge in the district's re-  nity,  we  will  get
                                                                                tirement  contribution  liability  and  through this.”   Watch video

                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · January 2024 · 11
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