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Election, Continued from page 10   support this district I am looking for-  This  also  means  ending  tax  subsi-  15th.
                                             ward to collaboratively working with  dies for big corporations and instead  “Please  exercise  your  right  to
          vided to any citizen that requests it.  colleagues  and  building  relation-  increasing local funding to improve  vote,” said Tina Parnell, Wayne City
          Currently Michigan ranks as one of  ships with legislators to get things  services for residents and repair our  Clerk. “Call the clerk’s office if you
          the  least  transparent  states  in  the  done.                       crumbling infrastructure that threat-  have any questions.”
          United States and the governor's of-  I will advocate for targeted invest-  ens the health of our communities. I  The Presidential Primary will be
          fice is the only one in the country not  ments in local businesses, infrastruc-  will fight for any additional funding  February 27th, the Special General
          subject to FOIA requests. There is al-  ture, and job creation. By fostering a  necessary  to  ensure  the  timely  re-  Election will be April 16th, the Pri-
          ready  bi-partisan  legislation  pro-  business-friendly  environment,  we  placement of Wayne’s lead-contami-  mary Election is August 6th, and the
          posed to fix this issue, and I pledge  can  attract  opportunities  that  con-  nated water lines and hold corporate  General Election is November 5th.
          right now that I will sign on to sup-  tribute to the growth and stability of  polluters accountable for cleaning up  Parnell is seeking individuals in-
          port it.”                          our district.                      their messes because we all have the  terested in working as election offi-
                                                Education is fundamental to our  right to clean air and water. I look  cials on Election Day, January 30th
             Shannon  Rochon: “As  a  repre-  kids'  future,  and  I  will  champion  forward to working with my Demo-  and future elections in 2024. You can
          sentative  for  the  25th  District,  I  policies  that  enhance  our  schools.  cratic colleagues and Governor Whit-  assist  your  community  and  earn
          would be dedicated to ensuring that  This  involves  securing  additional  mer to pass progressive legislation  extra money as well.
          our  community  receives  its  fair  funding for resources, addressing in-  that will benefit the residents of Can-  If you’re interested, visit Parnell’s
          share of state funding to support our  frastructure needs, and advocating  ton, Dearborn Heights, Wayne, and  office at City Hall to fill out an appli-
          local needs. To achieve this, I would  for equitable educational opportuni-  Westland.”                 cation. City Hall is located at 3355 S.
          actively engage with state lawmakers  ties.                             Any qualified elector of the city of  Wayne  Rd.  Questions  may  be  di-
          and  policymakers  to  advocate  for  Addressing disparities and safe-  Wayne who is not already registered,  rected to Parnell via email at tpar-
          our  district's  priorities.  I  would  guarding the well-being of our com-  may register to vote at the office of  or  call  City
          gather comprehensive data and evi-  munity  is  critical.  I  will  push  for  the Wayne City Clerk, the office of the  Hall at (734)722-2204.
          dence that highlight the specific chal-  legislation that improves access to af-  Wayne County Clerk, a Secretary of  Persons with special needs as de-
          lenges and opportunities unique to  fordable healthcare services. My goal  State branch office, or other desig-  fined by the Americans with Disabil-
          our district, presenting a compelling  is to bring about positive, meaning-  nated state agency.        ities Act should contact the Clerk's
          case for increased funding. Addition-  ful change that enhances the overall  The  last  day  to  register  in  any  Office.
          ally, I would foster strong relation-  well-being  and  prosperity  across  manner other than in person with  Be  sure  to  make  it  out  to  the
          ships with other representatives and  Wayne, Westland, Canton and Dear-  the local clerk is: Monday, January  polls!
          build coalitions to amplify our voices  born Heights.”                                    To Advertise in
          and increase our influence in the de-
          cision-making  process.  By  being  a  Layla Taha: “As I’ve been knock-  The Wayne Dispatch call 734-641-6550
          persistent and effective advocate, I  ing doors in every city of our district,
          would work tirelessly to secure the  I’ve heard from residents that they’re
          resources necessary to address our  concerned about the affordability of
          community's needs and promote its  their  healthcare,  the  safety  of  the
          well-being.”                       water coming from their tap, the re-
                                             liability of their electricity, the protec-
             Andrea Rutkowski: “In Lansing,  tion of their reproductive freedoms,
          I am committed to being a steadfast  and their ability to afford the rising
          advocate for our district, focusing on  costs of rent, utilities, and groceries.
          impactful initiatives that help work-  If elected, I will work to lower costs
          ing families that make up this dis-  for working families in Michigan and
          trict. This special election is about  fight to protect public health. This
          making  sure  that  the  members  of  means standing up to insurance and
          district  25  have  representation  in  drug companies to lower the costs of
          Michigan. I'm ready to go to Lansing  our healthcare and prescriptions, all
          and be a voice for Wayne, Westland,  while working to establish a univer-
          Canton  and  Dearborn  Heights.  To  sal  healthcare  system  in  Michigan.

          12 · January 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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