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First Congregational Church celebrated 175 years

          By Sarah Shurge
             A lot can happen in 175 years.
             Through  the  test  of  time,  First
          Congregational Church of Wayne has
          remained  and  recently  celebrated
          175 years.
             “It’s an honor to be a part of this
          legacy,  but  it  does  come  with  a
          weight  and  responsibility  to  keep
          something  good  going  or  reinvent
          something,” said Bob Cooper, lead
          minister  at  First  Congregational
          Church of Wayne. “I want to be able
          to  be  a  part  of  that  legacy  -  to  do
          good work while I'm here.”
             Rev. Cooper joined First Congre-
          gational  Church  of  Wayne  in  July
          2022. He has been in ministry for
          about 23 years.
             “I  was  a  salesman  in  Oakland
          County when I felt a call to ministry
          and  I  didn’t  know  what  that  was
          about,” said Rev. Cooper. “It led me
          to going back to school for a degree
          in  ministry.  During  my  ordination
          process, I was an associate minister
          at a church. The senior pastor there
          looked  at  me  and  said  my  calling
          was to be a senior pastor. Then it be-
          came clear that this is what it was                                                                       First Congregational Church of Wayne
          leading to.”
             Prior  to  joining  First  Congrega-                               from: Governor Gretchen Whitmer,  streaming and YouTube, and started
          tional  Church  of  Wayne,  he  was  a                                Lieutenant   Governor     Garlin  live  streaming  for  First  Congrega-
          minister for 10 years in Greenville,                                  Gilchrist,  State  Senator  Darrin  tional  Church  of  Wayne  since  he
          South Carolina, and then he was in-                                   Camilleri,  Wayne  Mayor  John    joined in 2022.
          volved with online ministry.                                          Rhaesa, Westland Mayor Kevin Cole-   “People get their info from web-
             “I  was  looking  where  to  go  and                               man,   US    Congressman    Shri  sites and social media, so we need to
          First  Congregational  Church  of                                     Thanedar,  US  Senator  Debbie    do a better job at creating a presence
          Wayne was too. We found each other                                    Stabenow,  and  Rev.  Dr.  Ashley  there,” said Rev. Cooper.
          and  I’m  thankful  to  be  here,”  said                              Cleere, Executive Director of the Na-  A new website for the church will
          Rev. Cooper.                                                          tional Association of Congregational  be launched after the start of 2024
             First  Congregational  Church  of                                  Christian Churches.               and they plan on incorporating more
          Wayne’s charter was signed on Au-                                       “First Congregational Church of  social media. “We’re trying to get peo-
          gust  20th,  1848.  The  church  cele-                                Wayne used to be a social heavy hub,  ple to buy into a simple understand-
          brated their 175 year milestone on                                    a well established congregation. Now  ing of what we exist for: to love God
          Saturday, October 28th, 2023.                                         we’re trying to rediscover our pur-  and love people,” said Rev. Cooper.
             The celebration began in the after-                                pose and how we can impact Wayne  “We  learn  together,  grow  together,
          noon with a family festival, trunk-or-                                and  the  community,”  said  Rev.  and figure it out together.”
          treat,  costume  contest,  and  a                                     Cooper.                              First  Congregational  Church  of
          historical  scavenger  hunt.  In  the  “I’ve been told many             Cooper  mentioned  how  the     Wayne is located at 2 Towne Square
          evening, there was dinner where for-                                  church was involved with many com-  St, Wayne. Their worship service is
          mer members attended.                 teachers and leaders            munity events in the past.        every  Sunday  at  10:30  AM.  They
             “I’ve been told many teachers and  of the community used             “Wayne has needs and there’s a  have a bible study on Thursday.
          leaders of the community used to at-                                  population that needs to be served   For more information about First
          tend  the  church  back  in  the  day,”  to attend the church         and that’s why we’re here,” said Rev.  Congregational  Church  of  Wayne,
          said Rev. Cooper.                                                     Cooper.  “We  need  to  change  our  you can find them on Facebook by
             Tyler Moll from the Wayne Histor-     back in the day.”            minds about what church is. It does-  searching  “First  Congregational
          ical Museum did a presentation dur-                                   n’t matter who you are or what your  Church  of  Wayne”,    call  (734)729-
          ing  the  175th  celebration,  and  the  Rev. Bob Cooper              beliefs are, we’re gonna accept you ei-  7550  or  visit  their  website  at  fc-
          evening ended with the singing of old                                 ther way.”               (will be launched soon).
          fashioned hymns.                   Cooper.                              A  main  focus  for  Cooper  is    Congratulations to First Congre-
             “It was nice to do. Everyone that  First Congregational Church re-  adding  more  tech  for  the  church.  gational  Church  of  Wayne  on  175
          attended had a great time,” said Rev.  ceived congratulations for 175 years  Cooper  has  a  background  in  live  years!
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · January 2024 · 13
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