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Buiten and Queen retire from Wayne director roles

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         you  have  a  small  little  community
             “Mike Buiten and Ed Queen are                                                                        that you’re responsible for. Well, the
          the very definition of the term ‘public                                                                 city of Wayne has become that sec-
          servant’,”  said  Wayne  Police  Chief                                                                  ond home to myself being that small
          Ryan Strong. “They just absolutely                                                                      community, said Queen.
          exemplify it and I’ve certainly seen                                                                       Queen  had  nothing  but  kind
          that in my 24 years of working with                                                                     words  to  say  about  the  people  he
          them.”                                                                                                  worked with.
             At  the  city  council  meeting  on                                                                     “Thank you to each and every one
          Tuesday, December 19th, 2023, retir-                                                                    of you, it’s been a joy working for the
          ing Building and Engineering Direc-                                                                     community.  I’ve  always  enjoyed  it
          tor Mike Buiten and Department of                                                                       and I will miss all you dearly,” said
          Public Works Assistant Director Ed                                                                      Queen.
          Queen were honored with plaques,                                                                           Dave  Schmidt  has  taken  over
          presented by Chief Strong.                                                                              things  as  Department  of  Public
             “After multiple decades of service,                                                                  Works  Assistant  Director.  The  De-
          quite frankly I think some employees                                                                    partment of Public Works (DPW) is
          would  coast  on  their  way  out,  but                                                                 located at 35200 Forest Road.
          that’s just not these gentlemen’s style.                                                                    Kirk Malcomson has taken over
          It’s in their hearts and souls to serve                                                                 as Assistant Director Building and
          the community of Wayne,” said Chief                                                                     Engineering. Wayne Building & Engi-
          Strong.                                                                                                 neering is located at 3200 S Wayne
             After  over  25  years  of  service,  Mike Buiten and Ed Queen with the sign that Mike saved from when he first started  Road.
          Buiten and Queen retired at the end                                                                        “He is outstanding in that capac-
          of December 2023.                  in Wayne that he wanted to use to commerate his last day in Wayne.   ity. I think he’ll be a very good direc-
             “You both are going to be greatly  “I’ve  enjoyed  every  bit  of  doing  During  the  council  meeting  on  tor  until  a  replacement  is  found,”
          missed  in  this  community,”  said  what I’ve been doing for the last 27  December 19th, Queen stated that  said Buiten.
          Wayne  Mayor  John  Rhaesa  during  years,” said Queen during the meet-  he was in the military for under four  We thank Buiten and Queen for
          the council meeting. “You’ve been a  ing.                             years in the United States Air Force.  all the work they’ve done for the city
          tremendous asset to all of us and we  Monday,   January   1st,   was    “An Air Force base or any bases  and wish them the best with their re-
          thank  you  for  your  service  to  the  Buiten’s first day of retirement.   that anyone in the military knows,  tirement!
          community.”                          “I’ve been blessed in life. Now it’s
             Buiten and Queen both said a few  time  for  me  to  help  others,”  said
          words during the council meeting.   Buiten.  “Sometimes  you  feel  you
             “I  want  to  thank  the  people  of  need to get your hands involved and
          Wayne,  both  business  owners  and  not just throw money at things.”
          residents. The people and city have   Buiten  raised  his  family  in  the
          been  so  good  to  me  and  I  feel  so  city  of  Wayne  for  26  years  before
          blessed by that,” said Buiten.     moving to Hillsdale four years ago.
             Buiten began his career with the  There he attends Countryside Bible
          city of Wayne in 1998.             Church. During retirement, he plans
             “Wayne is a place that God gave  on working in a children’s ministry
          me to work for almost 26 years and  at his church called Helping Hands.
          I tried to do that the best I could for  “I’ll be looking and learning about
          Him,” said Buiten.                 opportunities in the community and
             Queen began his career with the  praying  about  what  direction  to
          city of Wayne in 1996.             take,” said Buiten.

          14 · January 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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