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Jaylen Armstrong, Lorence Scott II and Eric Quick in front of Fat Man Nok’s new brick and mortar location in Norwayne. Photo by John Rhaesa
          Fat Man Nok’s opens restaurant

          By Sarah Shurge                    originally located in the lot next to  (DDA) asked Scott to bring Fat Man  Scott will still be out in the com-
             “I want it to be when people say  the West Town Market on the corner  Nok’s to the Makers Market in Down-  munity  with  his  hot  dog  stand  for
          ‘coney dogs,’ they say ‘we have to go  of  Howe  Rd.  and  Forrest  St.  Scott  town  Wayne.  He  has  worked  con-  countless events such as: Flowers in
          to  Fat  Man  Nok’s,’”  said  Lorence  did research around the community  certs in the park, movie nights in the  the Mitten, Moonlit Mystic, Hillcrest
          Scott II, Fat Man Nok’s owner.     for where people walked, traveled, or  park, at Wayne Releaf, the car cruise,  for the fireworks and the car cruise.
             Fat Man Nok’s Restaurant opened  drove past for work, and he decided  and more.                      “I’m out there every day with consis-
          on Saturday, June 1st, however, Fat  that  was  the  best  location  for  his  Scott has been catering to Ama-  tency,” said Scott. “Even though I’m
          Man Nok’s has been serving the City  business.                        zon: Pontiac, Detroit, and Romulus  trying  to  build  my  restaurant,  I’m
          of Wayne for years now. Scott origi-  “People  always  came  up  to  my  locations, Henry Ford hospital, and  still going to uphold my commitment
          nally opened his food cart business  stand and said I'm going to have a  more. “I serve high volumes of peo-  to the City of Wayne.”
          in August 2021.                    restaurant, so to see it manifest is  ple with catering,” said Scott.   Scott  always  had  a  passion  for
             “It feels good to finally know that  everything  you  can  imagine,”  said  Due  to  the  amount  of  people  taking care of the community. At his
          I put my drive and focus into some-  Scott. Going from food cart to restau-  Scott serves, he felt like he and his  food cart, kids and the homeless got
          thing and to watch it grow. To see  rant has been a process and Scott  team  would  be  prepared  for  the  a free hot dog. He fed the UAW work-
          where I came from – the side of that  has worked hard to get to where he’s  restaurant traffic. “Business is doing  ers  during  the  strike.  And  he  still
          store  –  to  having  the  community  at.                             well,” said Scott. “We’re still new and  feeds  the  homeless  (after  closing
          come in and sit down to enjoy my      The first event he worked at was  want to increase over time. But we’re  time) at his restaurant.
          cuisine,” said Scott.              at Goudy Park. The City of Wayne-  doing the best we can and pushing
             Fat Man Nok’s Hot Dog stand was  Downtown  Development  Authority  out the food.”                                 See Hot Dog, page 4
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2024 · 3
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