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Be sure to check out the classic cars up and down Michigan Avenue. Photo by John
          CRUISE, Continued from page 7      engage the community that they do.”
                                                Moonlit Mystic LLC, Wayne Dairy
          and Karma Coffee. This is a pop-up  Queen, and Helium Studio are wel-
          vendor show. Karma’s kitchen will  coming to all cruisers as a cooling
          be open and the patio available for  center.
          dining. The shuttle stop will be lo-  “The  cruise  is  uniting  the  busi-
          cated off Sophia St. behind the tax  nesses  with  the  community,”  said
          building.                          Kubany. “Three new people wanted
             Porta potties will be listed on the  to join us this year, so the news is
          map and stationed at the following  spreading. People are jumping at the
          locations: Jack Demmer, St. Mary’s,  opportunity to become a part of this
          family fun zone, and the outdoor ven-  event.”
          dor show.                             The  DDA  will  attend  the  event
             There are many honorable men-   and  be  handing  out  collectable
          tion businesses that will be hosting  cruise keychains. The DDA is trying
          an  event,  family  friendly  activities,  to make the keychains a tradition.
          and possibly prizes: AKA Sports, All  “I feel like the cruise just isn't an
          Star  Patriots  Dance  Company,    event, it's a tradition. It brings the
          Brookie’s Café, Fat Man Nok's World  community together in a way that's
          Famous  Hot  dogs  outside  of  the  just  different  than  anything  else.
          Marker’s  Market,  Kicks  Tae  Kwon  There's  something  for  everybody,”
          Do, Kurt's Caps with cruise t-shirts,  said Kubany.
          State Wayne Theater with the Rocky    Parking lots in downtown will be
          Horror Picture Show cast, and Taste  hosting local car clubs, while other
          the Smoke.                         cars  will  be  driving  up  and  down
                                             Michigan  Ave.  Thousands  of  cars
             Flowers in the Mitten and Makers  show  up  each  year  for  the  cruise,
          Market will have 35 local crafters to  and  there  are  lots  of  regulars  and
          shop from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., indoor  crowd favorites expected to make an
          crafts, and a free meet and greet with  appearance.
          Bluey from 11a.m. – 5 p.m. There      McDonald’s dining room will be
          will be a permanent jewelry vendor  open on the corner of Michigan Ave
          and chocolate drop shop.           and Wayne Rd.
             The  Wayne  Fire  Department  is   You can visit participating busi-
          hosting a fundraiser for Wayne Pro-  nesses  for  a  Cruising  Downtown
          fessional Firefighters Association in  Wayne Cruise map and be sure to fol-
          Derby’s  Alley  starting  at  11  a.m.  low the DDA on Facebook for daily
          There  will  be  pulled  pork  sand-  updates  regarding  the  cruise  by
          wiches or loaded nachos.           searching “Wayne Downtown DDA”
             US12 Bar and Grill will have live  “This cruise has become more of
          music, food, and drink specials. Get  a  celebration  of  our  community,”
          there early to get your spot on the  said Kubany. “We are lucky to get to
          patio.                             welcome so many car enthusiasts to
             “They [US12 Bar and Grill] have  our city and get to show them how
          been a part of this cruise every single  amazing the City of Wayne is. This
          year and they help make it a huge  year  promises  to  be  the  best  year
          success for that corner and specta-  yet.”
          tors  coming  in,”  said  Kubany.  “It's  The DDA and cruise are still final-
          important and amazing the way they  izing all the details for the event.
          8 · July 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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