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HOT DOG, Continued from page 3     down  what  they  would  like  to  see.  wouldn't  have  been  possible.  I  be-  Fat Man Nok’s.
                                             “It's important to me because of the  lieve in myself and my team – that if  “We’re open to the public, come
             Now  he  offers  free  popcorn  to  community,  I  never  forgot  where  I  I build it, they’ll come – but the sup-  check us out for yourself,” said Scott.
          customers  at  the  restaurant  while  started. All the same people that fre-  port  from  city  officials  and  fellow  “Bring an empty stomach so we can
          they wait for their orders. “Children  quented my stand, still come to my  business  owners  helped  get  my  fill it up for you.”
          love that feature,” said Scott.    restaurant,”  said  Scott.  “I  want  to  name out there,” said Scott.
             Fat Man Nok’s menu offers: pol-  hear what they want and what they   Scott  and  the  city  are  in  the
          ish sausage, hot polish sausage, hot  suggest.”                       works for scheduling a ribbon cut-
          dog, coney dog, coney loose burger,   Scott also plans to “cook with the  ting  ceremony  for  Fat  Man  Nok’s
          pickled  red  hot  snack  sausage,  seasons”  and  add  items  to  coordi-  Restaurant.
          pulled pork sandwich, BBQ shred-   nate with the weather. So when fall  “I want customers to go ‘I went
          ded chicken sandwich, and a devil  starts,  he  will  add  chicken  and  there, it was clean, the service was
          dog. “We make a quality coney dog,  dumplings, stews, and chilis to the  good,  my  food  was  good,  and  my
          I’ll  put  it  up  against  anyone,”  said  menu.  “I  just  wanted  to  do  some-  pockets are good,’” said Scott.
          Scott. The menu has sides such as:  thing different,” said Scott. “It’ll draw  For more information about Fat
          frank and beans, baked beans, mac  people in because they know we only  Man Nok’s, you can call (734) 890-
          and cheese, four different types of  have the option for a limited time.  8204, or find them on Facebook by
          loaded  fries,  and  blue  raspberry  They have to come in and get it while  searching “Fat Man Nok’s”, and on
          Kool-Aid.                          it's available for the season.”    Instagram at @fatmannoks. To place
             Some of Fat Man Nok’s best sell-   Scott  wanted  to  give  a  special  an order, call (734)329-2717. A web-
          ing items are the coney dog, polish  shout out to Jeff Frazier from Fra-  site  is  currently  in  the  works,  so
          sausage, pulled pork sandwich, and  zier’s Towing, Lisa Kubany and Lori  keep an eye on the Facebook page for
          mac and cheese. “We have unique fla-  Gouin  from  the  DDA,  Whaa  and  updates.
          vors  you  won't  get  anywhere  else,”  Tammy  from  88  Sushi,  and  Moe,  Fat Man Nok’s is located at 2717
          said Scott. “People can feel the love  Eddie,  and  Chuck  from  Shell  for  S Wayne Rd (in the Washington Cen-
          in my cuisine.”                    helping him in individual ways that  ter  Plaza)  and  is  open  11a.m.  -  7
             Scott has a suggestion box in his  got him to where he is today.   p.m.  Tuesday  -  Saturday.  Happy
          restaurant so customers can write    “Without  my  customers,  this   hour is 2 – 3 p.m. Tuesday and Sat-
                                                                                urday (buy two coneys, get one free.)
                                                                                Scott  is  working  on  adding  more
                                                                                weekly  specials.  First  Responders
                                                                                and City Officials get a discount at  Lorence Scott II dressing the hot dogs.

                                                Fat Man Nok owner Lorence Scott II

          4 · July 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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