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Cruisin’ Downtown Wayne will be hoppin’ on Saturday, July 13th. Photo by John Rhaesa
          18th annual car cruise coming to Downtown Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                    stops,  as  well  as  many  honorable  The second pit stop runs from 10  St. (south of Sims).
             Mark your calendars because it’s  mentions to stop at. There will be  a.m. – 2 p.m. at Jack Demmer Ford.  The fourth stop is the family fun
          that time of year again. The much-an-  free air conditioned shuttles running  This stop will have a live band, clas-  zone from 1 – 5 p.m. at Wayne His-
          ticipated, annual car cruise, Cruisin’  every 20-25 minutes (from noon – 4  sic car show, Mustang and Bronco  torical  Museum,  Hillcrest  Bible
          US12 will be happening on Saturday,  p.m.) traveling between shuttle stops  club, and the following food trucks:  Church,  and  First  Congregational
          July 13th, from 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.    located near pit stops. Each pit stop  Hogz  Backyard  BBQ  and  King  Ed-  Church. This stop will have carnival
             For the 18th year in a row, Michi-  will be marked with a sign and shut-  ward’s Feast.              games, prizes, outdoor games, race
          gan  Avenue  and  downtown  Wayne  tles will be marked as well.         There  will  be  limited  spectator  cars  from  Milan  Dragway,  and  DJ
          will be packed with classic and cus-  For the 9th year, Harry J. Will Fu-  parking available in the east parking  Lutalo  (from  2-5  p.m.)  from  the
          tom  cars.  For  the  fourth  year  in  a  neral  Homes  will  be  hosting  Hot  lot  of  the  “Preowned”  car  lot.  The  Dance  Academy  in  Westland.  This
          row, pit stops will be returning up  Cars  and  Hot  Cakes.  Come  from  shuttle stop will also be located in  stop  will  have  the  following  food
          and down Michigan Ave for the com-  9:30  a.m.  -  noon.  The  parking  lot  the east parking lot of “Preowned.”   trucks: Fun Food Express, Emelias
          munity to enjoy, thanks to the City of  opens at 8:30 a.m.  Show registra-  The third pit stop will run from  Guac  N’Roll  Taco  Truck,  G.  Faz
          Wayne Downtown Development Au-     tion is $15 per car and includes pan-  10  a.m.  –  8  p.m.  at  St.  Mary’s  Pizza, and SweetJays Bakeshop. The
          thority’s (DDA) partnership with the  cake breakfast. Additional tickets for  Catholic  Church.  St.  Mary’s  part-  shuttle stop is at Biddle and Park St.
          cruise.                            adults are $5.00, kids under 12 are  nered with Knights of Columbus to  The next stop is the outdoor ven-
             “Pit stops offer the community the  free.                          make this stop possible. This stop  dor  show  in  the  city  lot  near
          chance to experience the cruise at a  There will be prizes for Best in  will have a french fry food truck, car  Brookie’s Cafe. There will be over 30
          different  level,”  said  Lisa  Kubany,  Show, Most Original, and Show Fa-  show,  indoor  craft  show,  activities  local vendors in the field, along with
          DDA Marketing and Events Director.  vorite.  There  will  be  special  draw-  for kids, and pinewood derby races  food trucks.
          “Family or single couple, there’s a lit-  ings to win a canvas picture of your  for kids and adults. The community  The  last  pit  stop  will  run  from
          tle bit for everybody. We gear each pit  car and more. Donations are being  is  encouraged  to  bring  their  own  noon – 4 p.m. at Books on the Ave
          stop to cater to each crowd.”      accepted to benefit childhood mental  derby car. The shuttle stop will be on
             This  year  there  will  be  six  pit  health.                     the west side of the church on Third             See Cruise, page 8
                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2024 · 7
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