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Second Annual Downtown Wayne Scarecrow Fest

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         phone call.
             Last year in the fall, scarecrows                                                                       For more information about the
          returned to the City of Wayne. This                                                                     Scarecrow Fest, you can check out
          year  -  by  popular  request  -  scare-                                                                the event Facebook page by search-
          crows will be returning to Michigan                                                                     ing  “Downtown  Wayne  Scarecrow
          Ave!                                                                                                    Fest”. There you will find announce-
             Rachel Botu, owner of Flowers in                                                                     ments,  posts  introducing  the  food
          the Mitten, is hosting (for the second                                                                  trucks, different games, photos from
          year  in  a  row)  Downtown  Wayne                                                                      last year, and more.
          Scarecrow  Fest.  The  event  will  be                                                                     Flowers  in  the  Mitten  was  de-
          Saturday, September 21st, from 11                                                                       signed as a one-stop shop with cus-
          a.m. through 6 p.m. at Goudy Park.                                                                      tomized items. Botu provides both
             “Last  year  was  amazing,”  said                                                                    custom work and items you can buy
          Botu.  “For  my  first  festival,  it  was                                                              in store as well. You can purchase
          very  overwhelming  and  awesome                                                                        flower  arrangements,  stuffed  ani-
          with  such  a  great  response  from                                                                    mals for flower arrangements, angels
          everyone.  More  than  1,000  people                                                                    and lanterns with LED candles, gar-
          came out to the event.”                                                                                 den decor, sympathy stones, cement
             This  year,  the  event  will  have                                                                  benches,  standing  stones  on  an
          music,  face  painting,  crafts  and                                                                    easel, and more.
          games, four to five food trucks, a pet-                                                                    Botu’s husband, Paul, is a part-
          ting farm, cider and donuts, 50 ven-                                                                    ner with the shop and does all the
          dors and crafters, a raffle tent, and                                                                   woodworking. You can order a cus-
          a special performance by Allstar Pa-                                                                    tom  sign  for  a  wedding,  wedding
          triots Dance and Gym.                                                                                   flowers, or custom pieces. The shop
             Bluey  and  Bingo  will  be  at  the                                                                 just needs a few days in advance to
          event to meet with the kids. DJ Lou                              Plenty of family fun to do at Scarecrow Fest.   create them.
          will  perform  from  noon  -  5  p.m.  to see them on Michigan Ave.,” said  You will get to vote for the scare-  Botu also owns the Makers Mar-
          From 2 – 6 p.m. will be horse and  Botu. “I was able to work with the  crow winners by scanning QR codes  ket as well. There are 30 different
          pony rides (two horses and ponies  DDA and find a solution to get them  at the event.                   crafters inside the shop. Botu tries
          this year instead of one each). The  back on Michigan Ave. for people to  Botu  wanted  to  give  a  special  to host two events/classes per month
          scarecrow  winners  will  be  an-  enjoy.”                            shout  out  to  the  Wayne  Public  Li-  for either Flowers in the Mitten or
          nounced at 5 p.m.                     If you’d like to get involved in the  brary which will be hosting activities  the Makers Market. There will be a
             “We’re trying to do it bigger this  scarecrow competition, you can con-  with kids, Lanterns Church for mak-  Disney  Day  in  August,  fall  open-
          year,” said Botu.                  tact Botu at Flowers in the Mitten by  ing kids games, as well as the Mak-  house in September, and so much
             Of course, Scarecrow Fest would  email  at  flowersinthemittengmail-  ers Market, Wayne-Westland Credit  more.
          not be complete without scarecrows.  .com or call (734)992-8334. It costs  Union, Wayne Rotary Club, and the  Flowers in the Mitten is located at
          Instead  of  scarecrows  being  dis-  $20  and  you  can  pick  up  a  scare-  Downtown  Development  Authority  34852 W Michigan Ave in downtown
          played throughout the park like last  crow  frame  at  the  flower  shop  or  (DDA) for sponsoring the event.   Wayne. It’s open Tuesday through Fri-
          year, this year the scarecrows will be  reuse a previous frame.         “Without the DDA this would not  day 10 a.m. through 6 p.m., and Sat-
          returning to Michigan Ave.            Scarecrows  are  due  by  Friday,  be possible,” said Botu.       urday 10 a.m. through 2 p.m.
             “I'm very excited for that because  September 20th. There will be first  Botu  is  still  working  on  getting  Get  creative  and  get  creating  a
          that  was  something  people  were  and  second  place  prizes  for  Best  more sponsors (both business or in-  scarecrow to be displayed on Michi-
          upset about last year. They brought  Overall Scarecrow, along with first  dividual) for the event. If you (indi-  gan Ave and be sure to come out and
          up how they remembered the scare-  and  second  place  prizes  for  Most  vidually) would like to help sponsor  enjoy  Downtown  Wayne  Scarecrow
          crows on Michigan Ave. and wanted  Creative Scarecrow.                the event, contact Botu by email or  Fest!

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · September 2024 · 3
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