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Board of Education approves
Superintendent resignation
By Sarah Shurge
On Tuesday, August 20th, the
Board of Education formally ap-
proved a Resignation and Resolution
Agreement with Superintendent
John Dignan. Dignan has been the
superintendent at Wayne-Westland
Community Schools (WWCS) since
July 2020, according to his contract.
His three-year contract was renewed
in June 2023.
Over the summer of 2023, WWCS
learned about significant issues re-
lated to the district finances. The
WWCS was in a closed budget review Superintendent John Dignan
following the annual fiscal audit. dent, sent a letter to families on
Dignan shared the facts about a Wednesday, June 5th announcing
"budgetary shortfall" and "budget dis- the decision.
crepancies" through letters to par- "The district’s leadership team
ents in the community on October will continue to work with the faculty
24th, December 7th, and December and staff to ensure the positive com-
8th. According to CBS News, the pletion of the school year for all our
budget shortfall reached almost $30 students, while remaining focused
million. on the strategic priorities of our
In March, the district's head of fi- school district," said Gray.
nance warned that they were barrel- The Board named Jennifer Curry,
ing toward a financial crisis. During assistant superintendent of curricu-
the board of education meeting on lum, instruction and assessment, as
May 20th, Jennifer Owens, Wayne the interim superintendent. “We
Memorial High School parent, re- want to express our appreciation to
quested an official investigation into Jennifer Curry, our acting Superin-
Dignan and asked for him to be tendent. She and her leadership
placed on administrative leave. team have been hard at work prepar-
Owens started a petition requesting ing for another successful school
an investigation into Dignan for mis- year,” said Gray.
management. 651 people have Dignan was on administrative
signed the petition since it was cre- leave until the Board of Education
ated on May 24th. approved a Resignation and Resolu-
On Tuesday, June 4th, the WWCS tion Agreement. The terms outlined
Board of Education voted during a in the Agreement have been mutu-
special meeting to put Dignan on ad- ally-agreed-upon by all parties.
ministrative leave "pending the out- The Board wishes to express its
come of further discussions.” appreciation for Dr. Dignan’s service
Bradley Gray, school board presi- to the District and community.
4 · September 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch