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Vice President Harris and

          Governor Walz visit Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                    a  school  teacher.  We’ve  seen  what
             “I say to all the members of UAW,  this government, what the Republi-
          I am so deeply honored, as a lifelong  can Party in particular, has done to
          supporter  of  union  labor,  for  Tim  education in our lifetime,” said Fain.
          and  I  to  have  the  endorsement  of  Harris was a prosecutor in San
          UAW,”  said  Vice  President  Kamala  Francisco before being elected attor-
          Harris.                            ney general of California, then a U.S.
             On  Thursday,  August  8th,  Vice  senator,  and  then  Vice  President.
          President (V.P.) and Democratic Pres-  Walz was a high school teacher and
          idential nominee Kamala Harris and  football coach before being elected to
          her running mate, Minnesota Gover-  Congress and then governor of Min-
          nor Tim Walz visited UAW Local 900  nesota.
          in Wayne to endorse the Harris/Walz   Both V.P. Harris and Walz talked
          Presidential campaign.             about the importance of voting with
             “It says a lot that they would come  labor-friendly candidates in mind.
          out here and see us,” Dwayne Walker,  “That's who we are, we are work-
          United  Auto  Workers  (UAW)  Local  ing class, middle class people,” said
          900  President.  “It's  important  be-  Walker. “We’ve always backed them,
          cause it shows that they think of us  as a labor-friendly, blue-collar town.”
          and our history.”                     According  to  the  Detroit  News,
             Shawn Fain, UAW President, in- “President Joe Biden was the first sit-
          troduced V.P. Harris and Walz, calling  ting president to walk a strike picket
          them “one of us” and "working-class  line during last year's strike at the
          people."                           three Detroit automakers at a Gen-
             “Vice President Harris talked yes-  eral Motors Co. components distri-
          terday about how she had a first job
          at McDonald’s. Governor Walz’s been                See UAW, page 6    Governor Walz and Vice President Harris speak at the UAW Local 900 last month.

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · September 2024 · 5
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