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Step into the New with great finds at thrift store

             Welcome  back  to  another  Spot-
          light Series with Sarah!
             The series where the writer gets
          to  know  the  city  more  personally,
          while  the  readers  get  to  know  the
          writer better in the process.
             With the arrival of a new year, so
          comes the “new year, new me” peo-
          ple.  The  New  Year’s  resolutions,
          going to the gym more, eating health-  year, I figured I could add a few more
          ier,  and  changing  your  lifestyle  be-  options  to  my  workout  wardrobe
          cause a new year has just begun.   without breaking the bank.
             I don’t really do New Year’s reso-  So on Tuesday, December 31st, I
          lutions, as I believe you can improve  stopped by STEP Thrift Store and
          your life at any point in the year. I  Donation Center to see if there was
          think there’s so much pressure for  anything available for cheap that I’d
          starting your year off right. You don’t  be comfortable working out in.
          have to start just because it’s Janu-  As soon as I walked in the door,
          ary 1st. You can start January 2nd,  there was clothing everywhere. Rows
          or 3rd, next month, or whenever.   and rows of shirts, coats, dresses,
             But if being a “new year, new me”  and pants. Sitting on top of the racks
          person  is  what  helps  you  improve  of clothes were shoes: heels, tennis
          your life, then I happily encourage  shoes, boots, and more.
          you to make those lifestyle changes   As I mentioned, I prefer graphic
          on January 1st. Try out the gym for  T-shirts. The funnier, the better. And
          the first time and get your body mov-  STEP Thrift Store didn’t disappoint.
          ing.                               Some of the graphic T-shirts I saw
             I know the gym can seem like a  were:  Stars  Hollow  Gilmore  Girls,
          scary  place.  It  can  be  intimidating  Pikachu,  Star  Wars,  Cheetos,  The
          when  you  aren’t  sure  what  you  Mandalorian, bands, sports teams,    STEP Thrift Store and Donation Center in Downtown Wayne. Photo by Sarah Shurge
          should do or what you should wear.  and colleges/universities.
          The best advice I can give is to just  There were flannel shirts, an en-
          show  up.  Do  and  wear  whatever  tire  section  of  Christmas  pajamas,
          you’re comfortable with. People may  and  any  type  of  hat  that  you  can
          look at you, but they aren’t judging  think of. Purses and backpacks were
          you. Everyone in the gym is there to  on the right side of the wall, while
          improve  themselves,  just  like  you  board games were on the left side.
          are.                                  There was jewelry, glasses, belts,
             I have been involved with fitness  pillows,  blankets,  and  an  entire
          since  high  school,  when  I  partici-  army of stuffed animals. There were
          pated in marching band and sports.  shelves of books, records, and DVDs.
          In college, I continued doing march-  There  were  lamps,  plates,  coffee
          ing band and finally started using a  mugs, and wicker baskets.
          gym for the first time.               Injured and need assistance with                                                                           N
             Since  then,  my  fitness  journey  walking? There were crutches and a
          has gone from being a runner (run-  walker.                                                                                                      C
          ning a 5k a day), to lifting weights, to  Wanting to get into golfing but it’s
          now just listening to my body, and  such an expensive hobby? There was  STEP Thrift Store has a large selection of clothes for all ages. Photo by Sarah Shurge
          making sure I do some type of exer-  a bin of golf clubs on the left wall.   Center has been in Wayne for at least  ties.
          cise  at  least  3  -  5  days  a  week  There  were  electronics  like:  a  15 years. Services To Enhance Poten-  “A lot of times people are afraid to
          (whether it’s lifting weights, intense  toaster,  air  fryer,  keyboards,  and  tial (STEP) is a non-profit organiza-  hire  people  like  that.  We  are  the
          cardio, or simply walking).        sewing machine. There was also fur-  tion  which  provides  support  and  same, we have the same work ethic.
             Just  as  my  fitness  routine  has  niture such as: a dresser, chairs, and  services  to  nearly  1,300  persons  You just have to give them a chance.
          changed, so has my preferred gym at-  bookshelves.                    with  disabilities  and  other  mental  You'd  be  surprised  with  how  well
          tire. I went from being one of those  There were two fitting rooms so  health needs in Wayne County.    they  work,”  said  Udell.  Udell  has
          girls that liked working out in leg-  you could try on an item before pur-  “We’re not just a thrift store, we  been manager at STEP Thrift Store
          gings and a crop top, to now I’m in  chase.  I  ended  up  finding  two  T-  do  supported  employment.  The  for a year.
          my Adam Sandler era. The baggier   shirts and a pair of workout pants  training  program  runs  the  thrift  “It's really a great place to work
          the clothes the better.            that  I  liked,  and  bought  the  three  store, and we work with people with  for,” said Udell. “My favorite part is
             Most  of  my  workout  tops  are  items  for  $10  total.  I  was  truly  disabilities,”  said  Heather  Udell,  not only working with members, but
          graphic T-shirts (of memes or quotes  amazed by the prices at STEP Thrift  STEP Thrift store and Donation Cen-  getting to know people in the com-
          from movies) from the men’s section  Store.                           ter manager. About 70% of the staff
          at Target. But with the start of a new  STEP Thrift Store and Donation  at STEP Thrift Store have disabili-             See STEP, page 12
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · January 2025 · 11
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