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STEP, Continued from page 11                                                                            tant that donations keep coming in
                                                                                                                  to provide services to them.”
          munity. There are a lot of regulars                                                                        The   non-profit   organization,
          that are amazing. People walk into                                                                      STEP, provides educational classes,
          the store, so they’re local.”                                                                           culinary programs, community out-
             Some  of  STEP  Thrift  Store’s                                                                      ings, and so much more to persons
          most popular items are clothes, elec-                                                                   with  disabilities  and  other  mental
          trical items, and odd knick-knacks.                                                                     health needs in Wayne County.
          “We offer low prices for the commu-                                                                        If you or anyone you know would
          nity, so not only our members can af-                                                                   like to get involved with or receive
          ford but the community can as well,”                                                                    services from STEP, call the Western-
          said Udell.                                                                                             Wayne Resource Center at (734)722-
             STEP Thrift Store has a color tag                                                                    1000 or call the thrift store. “A lot of
          of the week that is 50% off Monday -                                                                    people are afraid to seek help. We
          Saturday.  If  you  find  an  item  with                                                                just like to make everyone feel com-
          that  specific  color  tag  on  Sunday,                                                                 fortable. We don't want people to be
          that  item  is  99  cents.  The  color                                                                  afraid  to  reach  out  for  help,”  said
          changes every Monday. “Thrift stores                                                                    Udell.
          are becoming so expensive. We like                                                                         STEP Thrift Store and Donation
          to keep everything affordable, so we  You can find lots of toys at STEP Thrift Store. Photo by Sarah Shurge  Center is located at 35004 W Michi-
          run the sale,” said Udell. The color  savings.  Who  doesn't  like  saving  person that tries to go through my  gan Ave, and is open 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
          tag  of  the  week  was  pink  when  I  extra? And it’s good to know what's  clothing at least once a year and do-  Monday - Saturday, and 12 - 5 p.m.
          stopped  by  STEP  Thrift  Store  the  going on with sales,” said Udell.  nate all the items I haven’t touched  on  Sunday.  For  more  information
          last week of December.                STEP Thrift Store is a donation  in  months.  After  learning  about  about STEP Thrift Store and Dona-
             STEP Thrift Store also offers a  center, so if you’d like to donate any  STEP  Thrift  Store,  I  plan  to  go  tion Center, visit or
          VIP  program  that  you  can  join  to  item, you can drop it off any day of  through  my  clothes  again  shortly  call  (734)728-9777.  You  can  find
          earn 5% off every time you shop. You  the week. Simply bring your dona-  and drop off a donation bag at STEP  them on Facebook by searching “Ser-
          just need to share your name, phone  tions in at least 30 minutes before  Thrift Store.                 vices To Enhance Potential”.
          number, and email address, and you  closing.                            “Without donations we wouldn't     Be sure to check out STEP Thrift
          will  receive  coupons  via  email   “We really appreciate it and every-  be able to train individuals and they  Store and Donation Center, and be
          throughout the year for your birth-  one within the community appreci-  wouldn't be able to advance in the  on the lookout for the next Spotlight
          day and flash sales. “It’s additional  ates it,” said Udell. I’m the type of  community,” said Udell. “It’s impor-  Series with Sarah!

          12 · January 2025 · The Wayne Dispatch
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