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Pastor, Continued from page 3 supposed to treat others. I've met
many people, been to many
ministry is its annual Community churches, and met many pastors,
Prayer Breakfast. This event is de- and he takes the cake.”
signed to build unity among leader- The International Church of
ship within the community. Metro Detroit is located at 31650
TIC will normally host two Com- Van Born Rd.
munity Prayer Breakfasts a year, one Their Sunday service includes:
to honor the community servants on 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Wor-
Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the ship Service, and different events
other to honor first responders on every Sunday evening. The first Sun-
9/11. day evening of the month is Revival
However, due to the construction, Day and the third Sunday of the
the MLK breakfast has been post- month is Connection Groups. There
poned and may be combined with is also service Wednesday at 7 p.m.
the 9/11 breakfast. For more information about the
TIC hopes to be finished with con- International Church of Metro De-
struction in November 2025. troit, visit theinternationalchurch-
“Everybody is welcome. The .org, or call (313) 995-6466.
church has a culture of inclusion For more information about the
and friendship. We want everyone to United Nations’ projects, you can
know we’re here to serve,” said Pas- visit the foundation page at icd-
tor Wilson.
TIC not only serves the commu- The new addition will have a sanctuary that will seat 700 - 800 people and a com- You can also find the Interna-
nity, but it changes lives within the tional Church of Metro Detroit on
church. munity center to house over 50 ministries to the community. Facebook and YouTube. They are
“God transformed my life and always there. Their support is un- “You can be a new member, a long- working on getting an Instagram set
TIC made it a smooth transition. I matched.” time member, everyone is treated the up this year. The next Community
don't know where I would be without Mattis has been attending TIC for same. Everyone is treated with love, Prayer Breakfast is tentatively
TIC. It saved me,” said Ashé Mattis. 10 years. She started on a Monday treated with respect, and treated like planned for Saturday, September
“They’ve supported my marriage, night for a young adult group and family,” said Mattis. “Pastor Wilson 6th. Be sure to check the website
supported my daughter, they’re just never stopped coming back. is the epitome of how Christians are and Facebook page for updates.
The Wayne Dispatch · January 2025 · 13