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Businessman helps local children this Christmas

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                          With  John  as  his  mentor  and
             The story starts with a little boy                                                                   biggest  motivator,  Scott  has  set  a
          in Kosovo whose only knowledge of                                                                       goal to fill the stage at US 12 with
          Christmas is time spent with friends                                                                    huge boxes filled with toys that will
          and family. There are no presents in-                                                                   then be delivered to the Toys for Tots
          volved  in  these  Christmas  celebra-                                                                  local chapter.  “All are welcome that
          tions.  In  Kosovo,  “You  are  lucky  if                                                               care to help,” says Scott about the
          someone had a car,” says this now-                                                                      event.  “Please  share,  spread  the
          grown boy, Scott Gocaj, manager of                                                                      word. It’s not about us. It’s about the
          US 12 Bar and Grill in Wayne.                                                                           kids.  Together,  we  make  a  differ-
             Scott, his siblings (John, Cindy                                                                     ence.”
          and  the  “late,  great  Skender”  who                                                                     Admission  to  US  12  (34824  W.
          died in 2003) and his parents, Mike                                                                     Michigan Ave.) for the charity event
          and Mona Gocaj, arrived in the US                                                                       is either a new, unwrapped toy or a
          after  immigrating  from  Kosovo  in                                                                    cash donation to Toys for Tots at the
          1979.  Mike and Mona built a family                                                                     door. Help make a child’s Christmas
          business  with  Omega  Restaurant                                                                       dream come true. No child should go
          (now  US  12)  where  they  worked                                                                      without a toy at Christmas. Be part
          hard  for  their  American  Dream.                                                                      of the team!
          Scott says he would spend his days                                                                         If  you  are  unable  to  attend  the
          bussing tables, filling cups of coffee                                                                  event but still want to help, you are
          and cleaning, all at a very young age.                                                                  welcome  to  drop  off  a  new,  un-
          “Christmas was a busy day,” he re-                                                                      wrapped toy during US 12’s regular
          calls. But it would be 7-8 years after                                                                  business hours through December
          coming  to  America  that  the  Gocaj                                                                   16.
          children would learn that there was
          more  to  Christmas  than  spending
          time with family.                  Scott Gocaj is prepared to receive your donation. Admission to the US 12 fundraiser  Did you know?
             Older brother John injured his  for the charity event is either a new, unwrapped toy or a cash donation to Toys for  •  Toys for Tots was started in
          leg during the Christmas season one                                                                     1947  by  Marine  Corps  Reserve
          year and had to spend time in the  Tots at the door.                                                    Major Bill Hendricks when his wife
          hospital.  The  family  would  fre-  time, Scott wondered who gave them  6:00 p.m. until closing.       asked  him  to  deliver  a  few  of  her
          quently visit John. One day there ap-  the gifts and why the gifts were given  “The event is near and dear to our  handmade  dolls  to  an  agency  that
          peared 3 giant garbage bags full of  to them, but “the cat was out of the  hearts because it helps kids around  helps children in need.
          presents in John’s room with some-  bag!” he exclaims, and there was no  our area that are less fortunate to  •  Walt Disney was a personal
          one telling John to share it all with  returning to life as it was. Every year  make sure they aren’t going without  friend of Bill’s and designed the first
          his  family.  Scott  says  he  doesn’t  since, the family has given each other  a Christmas,” said Scott. Scott, John  Toys for Tots poster.
          know  who  collected  all  these  toys  gifts at Christmas. He is thankful he  and  their  friend,  Pete  Cimeot,  de-  •  When Bill could not find an
          they received, but “I’ll never forget it,”  and his siblings can now give their  cided in 2016 to throw a party and  organization  to  donate  his  wife’s
          he says. This was his first American  own kids the Christmas experience.   get all of their friends together be-  dolls to, she told him to start one.
          Christmas experience, and he loved    Scott,  his  wife  Rachel,  and  the  cause “there’s no way we could do  That year, 5000 toys were collected
          it!    He  remembers  the  Get  Along  rest of the Gocaj family want to pay  anything by ourselves that will make  and distributed by Bill’s reserve unit.
          Gang toys. The Get Along Gang was  it forward which is why US 12 Bar  a difference, but collectively, with our  •  The  Marine  Toys  for  Tots
          a group of animals who met in an   and Grill will be hosting their 4th an-  friends  and  some  local  business  Program now distributes an average
          abandoned caboose and told stories  nual Toys for Tots charity toy drive  owners, we are able to form a team  of 18 million toys to 7 million less-
          of friendship and teamwork. At the  on  Saturday,  December  14,  from  that makes a difference together.”   fortunate children annually.

                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · December 2019 · 3
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