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The War on Vets
By Carolyn Marnon Statement of Yoli Von Scott
"The War On Vets" truly starts (Writer-Producer) and Eric Von Scott
when war overseas comes to an end. (Writer-Director and USMC)
Can they transition back into civilian
life? How do they cope with their war WarOnVets
injuries and Post-traumatic stress Eric Von Scott, a 1984 graduate
disorder (PTSD)? How do they deal of Wayne Memorial High School, and
with the Veterans Administration his wife, Yoli Von Scott, are in Michi-
and their bureaucracy? What about gan to start work on their documen-
finding steady income and housing? tary “The War on Vets,” a
Will they receive compassion and un- documentary Yoli has been inspired
derstanding from their family and to make since she was a young child.
friends? This Documentary Film will Eric was born at Annapolis Hospital
explore the stories of War Veterans and signed up for the Marines at a
and their struggle to deal with emo- recruiting station at Metro Place Mall
tions that most will never know or back in 1983, which is why they
understand. Veterans are a tight knit have chosen to come here to start de-
group that tend to keep those hor- velopment on their film. While volunteering to distribute food to veterans at Veteran's Haven, Yoli Von Scott
rors locked deep inside. Sometimes, Born in Mexico City, Yoli says her
these military men and women will dad was a World War 2-era military sets up the table like a market so veterans can 'shop' for food.
let those secrets out to fellow war- vet. He told Yoli stories of how the bracelets that had the names of Viet- Yoli’s family moved to the United
riors. Our mission is to bring these military men of World War 2 came nam veterans on them. The idea at States; she became a US citizen
stories to light and release some of home to parades and much acclaim. the time was to wear the bracelet when she was 21 years old. She
the burden from their shoulders to He told her that the veterans fighting until the named veteran came home. speaks of her aunt who had a love of
assist their healing process. Our ob- in the Vietnam War were also going A young Yoli got angry when the re- cinema and groomed Yoli, teaching
jective is to bring Global Awareness to come home as heroes and be cele- ception for the returning veterans her about film culture. Yoli recalls
and support to those brave men and brated. Yoli tells how she raised and was less than expected. That event wanting to tell stories, whether she
women who fought for our country, sold ducks from her front yard in inspired Yoli to say “When I grow up,
our freedom and our way of life.” Mexico to make money to purchase I’m going to tell this story.” See Vets, page 8
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2019 · 5