Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 6
OFFICER, Continued from page 4 "I am excited to strengthen the
ment Officer. Their goal is to facili- working partnership between
tate safe learning environments, pro- Wayne Memorial High School and
vide valuable resources to school
staff, foster positive relationships the Wayne Police Department.”
with students, and developing strate- Officer Jordan Arndt
gies to resolve problems.
“Wayne is actually a good school,” already had students approach him
says Officer Arndt. Most of the issues asking about law enforcement ca-
he’s called on to resolve involve the reers and what is involved in pursing
occasional fight, cigarettes and mar- that line of work.
ijuana. He says he’s not at the school This family man (he has a wife, a
to get the students in trouble. He’s young child, a pitbull named Jade
there to keep them safe. He sees him- and a beagle/basset mix named Gus)
self more as a counselor that stu- who grew up in Canton likes to hang
dents can visit to get help rather out with his family when he’s not
than going to the school administra- working. His daughter is discover-
tion. A visit to him is an easy solu- ing snow and the joys of picking it up
tion for a student who is going and throwing it at her parents.
through something at home and “I’m not there to get the students
needs help or advice without getting in trouble. I want to be seen as a
the police department involved. Offi- mentor, counselor, someone they can
cer Arndt wants to be personable to go to,” Officer Arndt concludes.
the students and never give the im- "I am excited to strengthen the
pression of negativity while he is in working partnership between Wayne
uniform. “I’m a person no better or Memorial High School and the
worse than you,” is what he wants to Wayne Police Department,” enthused
evoke in his role. WMHS Principal James Anderson,
Since he stepped into the hal- Ed. D. “Officer Arndt is a dedicated
lowed high school halls on October individual who will help create posi-
28, he is grateful for the hellos, the tive connections with our students.
smiles, and being treated like one of We are already off to a great start and
the staff. He wouldn’t mind being a love having him in the halls each day.
Champions mentor for a student Myself, and all of the staff at Wayne,
who wants the help. He says he has look forward to working with him."
6 · December 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch