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School resource officer returns
By Carolyn Marnon one deployment to Afghanistan in whereby some tiny change in one
As the bell rings and students, 2011, and graduated from EMU with area can have large effects some-
teachers and administrators make a bachelors degree in Criminal Jus- where else. He likes to think his
their ways through the halls of tice. small military role in Afghanistan
Wayne Memorial High School, there WMHS has not had an SRO for will have a wider effect on the nation
is a new face that melts into the the last five years due to the short- such that others won’t have to go
crowd. Jordan Arndt is back in high staffing in the police department. Of- there. He also likes to think that his
school, although he’s dressing differ- ficers were frequently being work in Wayne’s neighborhoods will
ently than he did before, and he isn’t dispatched to the high school for in- be a ripple that has far-reaching ef-
required to do any homework. He’s cidents, so a recent 3-year agreement fects one day.
Officer Arndt, and he’s the new between the Wayne Police Depart- “Everyone here at the police de-
School Resource Officer (SRO) at ment and Wayne Westland Commu- partment is pleased to have an offi-
WMHS. nity Schools to assign an SRO will cer back at Wayne Memorial High
Roaming the hallways before and make day-to-day operations School. Having an officer at the
after school, during lunches as well smoother for the police department. school helps keep students and staff
as during passing times, he makes Officer Arndt will be able to interact safe. The officer will also build solid
his presence known to the students. with and mentor students on a day- relationships with those students
During the times when he is in his to-day basis, and the school district and staff. Prior School Resource Of-
first-floor office, he leaves his door will pay for approximately one-half ficers were able to mentor young peo-
open, signaling to students that he is of the officer’s compensation during ple and show them that police
always accessible to them. the school year. During the summer officers are here to help. I am confi-
After graduating from high and school breaks, Officer Arndt will dent that Officer Arndt will do the Officer Jordan Arndt
school, Jordan joined the Army Na- be assigned to the Investigations Bu- same,” expressed Wayne Police Chief National Association of School Re-
tional Guard. He attended Basic reau at the department. Ryan Strong. source Officers in Indiana. NASRO
Training at Fort Benning, Georgia in Why did he decide to pursue Officer Arndt was chosen as SRO believes in a triad concept which
June 2008 and then was able to at- criminal justice and law enforce- from those at the police department trains the SRO as Educator, Infor-
tend Eastern Michigan University ment? Officer Arndt laughs and says who submitted a letter of interest for mal Counselor and Law Enforce-
while he served in the National his answer is a bit corny. He gives the position. Once chosen, he at-
Guard as an infantryman. He had credit to “the butterfly effect,” tended a week-long training from the See Officer, page 6
4 · December 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch