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Santa helped pick the first two winners last weekend! Stop by City Hall or any of
these local businesses to enter and get your chance to win a $50 gift card courtesy
of the Wayne DDA. You can also enter at The Avenue American Bistro, Helium Studio,
Northside Hardware, Leo's Jewelry & Gifts and U.S.12. Photo by Sean Rhaesa
Experience downtown
Wayne this holiday season
By Carolyn Marnon Drive through downtown Wayne
This holiday season, experience in the evening and check out the new
Downtown Wayne! If your idea of vis- holiday lights on the poles at the
iting Downtown Wayne is driving main intersections, especially W.
through to get from one destination Michigan Avenue and Wayne Rd.
to another, maybe it’s time you make These beautiful lights were custom-
the downtown area your shopping designed by Bronner’s, the well-
and dining destination. known Frankenmuth Christmas
The Wayne Downtown Develop- store. “We’re getting really positive
ment Authority (DDA) is funding the feedback on them,” said Gouin. You
2020 holiday campaign to show that will also notice new holiday banners,
great things are happening in Wayne. made by downtown business Impe-
The campaign will consist of social rial Press, at these select intersec-
media, print, billboard and TV ads tions. Gouin said the DDA will be
encouraging people to “Experience adding to the holiday lighting and
Downtown Wayne!” decor each year. Here’s what former
The campaign, which kicked off Wayne resident Sherrie Brindley
Thanksgiving week, features a bill- thinks of the new décor, “They’re
board on Ford Rd. Xfinity and WOW! beautiful. The prettiest I’ve ever
will be airing 30 second segments seen.”
that will be seen by viewers in Wayne, While visiting Downtown Wayne,
Westland, Canton, Dearborn, Dear- make sure you enter to win a $50 gift
born Heights, Romulus, Belleville, card. Entry forms and boxes are
Livonia, Redford, Garden City and found at City Hall, The Avenue
Van Buren. The segments will run on Bistro, US-12, Helium Studio, North-
popular channels such as AMC, Hall- side and Leo’s Jewelry. From all the
mark, Lifetime, and The Food Net- entries received, 6 winners will be
work. There is also an ad that will drawn to receive a $50 gift card from
run during Monday Night Football either The Avenue Bistro, US-12, He-
on November 30. DDA Director Lori lium Studio, Northside, Leo’s Jew-
Gouin says there are approximately elry and Phoenix Theatre-State
1300 spots that will air. Wayne.
8 · December 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch