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Councilman combats cancer during covid

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       search.  During  a  recent  treatment,
             He started feeling bad on March                                                                      he  wrote  emails  to  Senator  Dayna
          24, the day Michigan implemented                                                                        Polehanki and Representative Kevin
          the stay-at-home order for all resi-                                                                    Coleman about a bill being consid-
          dents due to the coronavirus. It was-                                                                   ered that would allow a councilper-
          n’t until two weeks later that Wayne                                                                    son to remotely attend an in-person
          City  Councilman  Tom  Porter  was                                                                      meeting if they have a critical illness
          able to “see” his primary physician                                                                     and  their  health  would  be  under-
          via a video appointment.  He didn’t                                                                     mined by being there in person. He
          have any of the symptoms associated                                                                     asked them to please consider voting
          with COVID-19, the virus that was                                                                       for it. At other times, he says he has
          sweeping the country and the world                                                                      reclined and dozed off. “Sometimes,
          and  the  reason  for  the  state  lock-                                                                I just sit there and daydream.”
          down. The doctor prescribed antibi-                                                                        The  community  has  rallied
          otics.  Not  yet  returning  to  health,                                                                around Tom in his time of need. “I’m
          Porter  had  another  video  appoint-                                                                   a very strange person sometimes. I
          ment  with  his  doctor  and  was  re-                                                                  don’t  like  people  doing  things  for
          ferred  to  a  rheumatologist  with                                                                     me.” He might not like people doing
          whom he had yet another video ap-                                                                       things for him, but people like doing
          pointment. That doctor prescribed                                                                       things for Tom. A friend brought him
          him  steroids  because  Tom’s  feet                                                                     apple cider and donuts after a visit
          began to swell up. By May 6, about a                                                                    to  a  cider  mill  just  because  that
          month  and  a  half  after  falling  ill,  Mayor Pro-Tem Tom Porter was sworn in at his home by City Clerk Tina Stanke.   friend thought Tom would enjoy it.
          Porter had lost 15 pounds and still                                                                     The Wayne Police Department sent
          had not been examined by a physi-  other CT scan (13 days after the first  heart  was  only  putting  out  32%  him a card which all the officers had
          cian in person.                    one).  The results came back on May  blood  volume  when  the  minimum  signed. His daughter-in-law does all
             Tom says he was lethargic and so  26. “Not good at all,” said Tom. Two  that should be pumping through is  the grocery shopping for him and his
          tired he could barely walk. Because  days later he was seeing an oncolo-  55%. Doctors want to see 75%.  Med-  wife, Bonnie.  He was gifted with a
          of  COVID,  doctors  weren’t  seeing  gist who referred him to a surgeon  ication is now regulating Tom’s heart  14-day subscription to Mom’s Meals,
          people  in  person.  On  May  7,  Tom  who  did  a  biopsy  on  his  neck  on  until he is done with chemotherapy.  fully-prepared  refrigerated  meals.
          went to the Emergency Room to see  June  8.    It  had  now  been  two  Cancer eradication is the first prior-  His neighbors will stop and talk to
          a flesh and blood doctor in person.  months, and Tom was still waiting  ity. Once it’s in remission, a stent will  him if they see him in the yard and
          He was advised to go see a different  for a diagnosis.                be put in to address the heart issue.  ask how he is doing. He’s received
          rheumatologist. His primary doctor    June  17.  Two  months  and  24   A port was installed with a small  numerous  cards  and  letters.    He’s
          sent him on May 8 to get a CT scan  days after falling ill, Tom finally had  incision  in  Tom’s  chest  to  start  had other offers of rides and meals.
          and an x-ray. The scan and x-ray did-  a diagnosis, albeit not a good one. He  chemotherapy.  He  says  there  is  a  “It’s overwhelming to me. There’s all
          n’t  indicate  any  problems.    A  few  had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma large  plastic hose that goes into a blood  kinds of great people in this city and
          days later, May 11, with prescription  B  cell  stage  4,  a  cancer  that  origi-  vessel. The port will stay in until he  everywhere that are offering me al-
          in hand to get a COVID test, he was  nates in the lymphatic system -- the  is done. It gets flushed out every now  most anything.”
          denied the testing because he didn’t  disease-fighting system that spreads  and then to keep it clean and clear.  What’s in the future for Tom, a
          have a fever. On May 12, he was able  throughout the body. He had cancer  This method is preferred over trying  beloved member of the city council
          to get tested at another facility; the  in his liver and both lungs.  to stick needles in him every visit.  for his candor, willingness to listen
          test was negative.                    Frustration. It should have taken  The first “primary” chemo treat-  and to research difficult topics? “I
             “It  was  very  emotional  for  me,”  a month at the most, Tom says, to di-  ment, he got there at 8:00 a.m. His  want everybody to understand I love
          Tom recalls. “I didn’t know where I  agnose.  Certainly not 89 days! The  blood was drawn and then it took an  this city, and I love the people in it,
          was  at.  I  didn’t  know  what  was  terrible delay because of COVID had  hour for everyone to look at the re-  and  I  want  people  to  understand
          wrong with me. How was I going to  him  depressed.  “I  thought  they  sults, get him pre-meds and Tylenol  what I am doing and why I am doing
          get diagnosed?”  He began reading  wanted  to  kill  all  us  old  people!”  and feed him 4-5 bags of differing  it,” Tom says about his recent run
          “Dr.  Google”  like  many  tend  to  do  Tom  credits  the  infectious  disease  lengths. By 3:30 p.m. Tom was tired  for city council on the November bal-
          when trying to figure something out.  doctor who made the diagnosis pos-  of sitting.                   lot.  He  said  before  the  election,
          He says his research led him to be-  sible.                             The next “secondary” treatment a  “Since I’m unopposed, I’m probably
          lieve he had cancer, but no one had   A bone marrow biopsy soon fol-  week  later  wasn’t  so  bad.  He  was  going to be re-elected. I’ll go with the
          yet diagnosed him with it.         lowed. It was negative. A PET scan  asked if he minded getting a shot in-  flow.”  Tom was re-elected and the
             Aggravation   was     coursing  ensued which uses a dye that high-  stead of a 2-hour chemo bag. It took  council voted to keep him as Mayor
          through Tom’s veins. His feet were  lights different cancer points in the  just six minutes for the chemo to be  Pro Tem. Tom admits he can resign
          swollen.  His  lymph  glands  were  body,  according  to  Tom.  His  ab-  pushed  into  his  belly  fat  with  the  the position if he needs to, such as if
          swollen. The guessing had to stop. “I  domen,  chest  and  neck  were  shot. He has had some fever issues  he is not in remission and can’t at-
          need someone to diagnose me,” Tom  checked to see where the cancer was  that, in his opinion, he thinks are  tend meetings if they return to in-per-
          pleaded. An infectious disease doc-  located and how bad it was. There  triggered by the chemo.         son meetings at City Hall. April 26
          tor  physically  examined  him,  told  were a lot of tests being done.  What does Tom do while he un-   was the last day he could pull his
          him  he  had  nodules  and  swollen   And then another bombshell. A   dergoes chemo? He takes his iPad
          lymph glands and sent him for an-  heart  issue  was  discovered.  His  and his phone with him. He does re-           See Porter, page 12
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · December 2020 · 3
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