Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
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The Wayne Public Library is Monday through Friday and 9:00 vent the spread of the virus. Symp- member of our team, and the entire
open to the public. You will need to a.m.-3:00 p.m. on Saturday. toms can develop up to 14 days after department appreciates his hard
enter through the doors by the Veter- HYPE Athletics Center -- Wayne, exposure to the virus. work.”
ans Plaza. Browsing is limited to 30 4635 Howe Road, Wayne, MI 48184 The Wayne Fire Department re-
minutes for grab and go service. HYPE Athletics Center -- Dear- Wayne has two new police offi- cently announced that Fire Fighter
Please do not visit if you are sick. born Heights, 23302 W. Warren Av- cers. Officer Sylvia Turner and Of- Kevin Pietrasinski earned his badge
The plaza pick-up service is still enue, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 ficer Keith Zavitz were sworn in as and is now a certified Paramedic and
available if you wish to do no-contact Officials say the diagnostic Wayne Police Officers during the Engine Operator.
pick up of materials. Call the library COVID-19 tests are offered at no December 1 city council meeting.
for more information. cost, and are available via drive-thru Both graduated from the Wayne The Wayne-Westland Interact
or walk-in. All individuals over 5 County Regional Police Academy at Club, in conjunction with the
The library is doing a Decem- years old are eligible to get tested, the end of November. They will start Wayne Memorial High School
ber reading challenge for kids though minors must be accompa- their training soon. Chief Ryan counselors, are hosting a coat and
called “Walking in a Bookish Wonder- nied by a parent or guardian. Individ- Strong said he has several other offi- canned food drive December 3-16.
land.” uals interested in testing do not cer candidates in the works. The Club will be collecting food for
Challenges include reading a require a doctor’s order or pre-regis- the WMHS pantry.
book about a winter sport, curling tration before visiting the site. Offi- The pantry helps the high school
up in a blanket with hot cocoa and cials say insurance is requested but The Wayne Police Department students who don’t have enough food
reading, and reading about a holiday not required to undergo testing. announced that Officer Jolly was over school breaks and weekends to
you don’t celebrate in your home. “With the uptick in COVID-19 awarded the Mothers Against get more to eat. The Club is request-
You can find the list of challenges on cases so close to the holidays, our Drunk Driving (MADD) Lifesaver ing non-expired items such as: mac-
the library’s Facebook page. public health teams have stepped up Award. The award is given to officers aroni and cheese, pop-tarts, cereal,
its effort to offer more testing oppor- who support MADD’s mission to ramen, crackers, peanut butter,
The City of Wayne now has a tunities to keep families safe,” said combat drunk driving, including the chips, canned fruit, fruit cups, fruit
Wayne County COVID-19 testing Wayne County Executive Warren C. enforcement of drunk driving laws. snacks, dippers, mashed potatoes,
site. Two new, cost-free testing sites Evans. Officer Jolly joined the WPD in 2017. rice, tortillas, soup, cheese sauce,
with reportedly shorter waiting times Individuals who are experiencing “We are lucky to have Officer Jolly salsa, juice boxes, baked beans, in-
were opened in Wayne and Dearborn, COVID-19 symptoms are encour- aboard,” said Police Chief Ryan stant meals (like Compleat meals),
both sites at HYPE locations. The aged to get tested and quarantine Strong. Chef Boyardee, Hamburger Helper
sites are open 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. until test results are received to pre- “We are proud to have him as a and water.
6 · December 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch