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Reaching for a star
“Maybe it’s time for me to shine a
little bit,” Trudy Ellis said. As a sen-
ior citizen Ms. Trudy, as she likes to
be called, has been digging into the
treasure-trove of creativity that God
gifted her with and seeing where it
leads her.
Last year, she designed a logo for
a Detroit t-shirt that read “Detroit’s
Coming Back.” Ms. Trudy said AKA
Custom Apparel in Wayne sells t-
shirts and hoodies with the logo
“Just Having Some Fun in Downtown
Wayne.” As a resident of Wayne, she
wants to have fun and promote the
city she calls home.
Writing jingles is another of Ms.
Trudy’s talents. She says she writes
little ditties for various businesses. “I
have a gift of singing also.”
She shares that gift on You Tube
with a song she wrote called “King of
Pop,” an ode to Michael Jackson. Trudy Ellis is living a creative life using
She said it was a tribute from Detroit the talents God gave her.
to Michael. She felt there was so
much negativity around Michael, so Ms. Trudy King of Pop. It is a dream
she wanted to do something positive. of Ms. Trudy that one day Michael’s
Ms. Trudy wrote the words and then mother hears the song and contacts
she contacted various musicians to her. “Maybe one day Mrs. Jackson
help her record it. Joey Welz, a pi- will hear my song. I’ve got over 2000
anist with Bill Haley and His Comets viewers on that song.”
in the 1960s, collaborated with her “I’ve always been a Michael Jack-
to put music to her lyrics and pro- son fan,” she said. “I wrote it (the
duced the song for her. Joey is from song) because I thought it was a very
Trudy’s hometown of Lipps, Pennsyl- true and meaningful song.”
vania. She had heard about him, so Trudy raised five children in De-
she communicated with him online troit before moving to Wayne. “I have
through his Canadian American no regrets. I can pat myself on the
Records. back. I feel I did a pretty good job.”
You can listen to the song by
going to YouTube and searching for See Star, page 12
4 · December 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch