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Readers share their special ornaments
Christmas ornaments can have by one wick. We cut them apart, and Hero was our Christmas baby.
deep meaning for people. Several I got one and her Grandma got the He will always be our Christmas
readers shared about their own spe- other one. We both have them on angel.
cial ornaments. display year-round. My daughter, Mary Baryo
Kristy, is 45 years old now. Wayne Resident
Leslie Holland President, Wayne Garden Club
Wayne Resident
I've been collecting ornaments for
46 years and so many of them hold
memories. But this is the one orna-
ment that means the most. My mom
used to give me ornaments every I have my granny and gramps’ or-
year for Christmas. It was a tradi- nament from their first tree, so that
tion with her. This is an ornament makes it about 88 years old. I also
she made for me while in a nursing have one of mommy and dad’s first When I a young girl growing up in
My favorite ornament hung on my home suffering from Alzheimer's. tree ornaments that’s only 57 years the City of Wayne, my father Mike
family’s Christmas tree all through It's not fancy or collectible, but it's old. Gouin was the Assistant Parks &
my childhood. When I got married the last Christmas ornament I re- Jackie Jones Recreation Director under Ted D'Pu-
and my mom asked what ornaments ceived from her. I live in Wayne--back Wayne Resident los. At the time the Director of the
from her tree I would like, I immedi- in the house I grew up in, in fact. My Senior Program (Golden Hour Club)
ately asked for the snowman sticking parents built the house in 1957 in Although I was a beautiful lady by the name of
out of the cupcake. It was always my the Sue Win sub--just a few houses have received Mickey Meyer. Mickey gave each
favorite to hang growing up. I can’t from where the castle used to be. I many Christ- member of my family and many
say how many times I would look at graduated from WMHS in 1972. mas ornaments other families in the city handmade
that ornament and wish I could eat Linda McLachlan over the years, Christmas ornaments. They were
it. I was certain it would be the most Wayne Resident the one I cher- each unique and had our names on
delicious thing to eat if it was edible. ish most is this them. To this day, my "Mickey
Now that it hangs on my tree, always I don’t have a one: my grand- Meyer" Christmas ornament is hung
at the top near our Angel, it is the tree up this year son Hero’s first on my parents tree each year.
one ornament I must hang myself. I so no orna- Christmas orna- Lori Gouin
tell my kids because it’s fragile, but ments are easily ment. Community Development
really it’s because I can still feel that accessed. I do I know many Director, City of Wayne
Christmas magic I knew as a child have one thing people have
when I hang it. Even for just a mo- that my daugh- “baby’s first Christmas ornaments” I have ornaments my grand-
ment, it’s a moment I always look ter made for me and display them with pride. The mother made from crafting beads.
forward to. at holiday time. reason this one is so special to me is About 40+ years old. Star, candy
Nicole Conklin She was proba- that Hero was born the day after cane, shapes. My grandma gave
Board Member, Main Street bly in second or third grade, and she Thanksgiving and passed away on them to me for my first tree.
President, Historical Society hand dipped two candles attached New Years Eve at just 33 days old. Mary McBain Blaxton
The Wayne Dispatch · December 2020 · 5