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P. 14
State Representative Kevin 2021.
Coleman shared that the House of Police Chief Ryan Strong said at
Representatives “passed the a small ceremony, “I’ve worked with
largest school funding bill in our Brent in several capacities over my
state’s history at $16.7 billion. For career, and I have always been
the first time in 25 years every stu- deeply impressed with his strong
dent in Michigan will be funded at work ethic, insistence on doing the
the same foundation amount of right thing every time, and deep re-
$8,700. This will be great for Wayne- spect for his co-workers and the
Westland Schools!” The Michigan community he serves.”
Senate also approved the K-12 fund-
ing bill. It is expected that Michigan Come on out to the Wayne His-
Governor Gretchen Whitmer will torical Museum during the US12
sign the bill that eliminates a long- Car Cruise. There will be kids crafts
standing funding gap between Michi- and demonstrations. The Dearborn
gan school districts. Old Engine Club will have old en-
gines set up and running. There will
Champions of Wayne, the edu- also be a small flea market, a selec-
cational incentive program at tion of old cars and the museum will
Wayne Memorial High School, pre- be open. Hillcrest Church will be
sented 38 students with $200 Volunteers from the Knights of Columbus did a great job cleaning up Veterans Plaza serving food and have a selection of
checks and gift cards for dinner at in Downtown Wayne. cars to view. Come on out for a great
a local Wayne restaurant. The stu- time! The museum fun all happens
dent "champions" successfully service and Jack Demmer Ford has and 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. and on Saturday, July 10, from 10:00
achieved their academic goals for the received this award nine times in a 4:00 p.m. Please call the court with a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
semester in the midst of a very chal- row. In 2020 they were number one any questions about these changes. During the cruise a 1919 Har-
lenging year. Participating in the in their group! Jack Demmer thanks roun car will be on display at the
awards program was Richard Help- their customers for their patience The Daiquiri Shack at US-12, Wayne Historical Museum. The Har-
pie of the Helppie Family Charitable and loyalty during such a challenging 34824 W. Michigan Ave, is hosting roun is one of less than 3,000 made
Foundation, who has been the pri- year. open mic comedy and acoustic in Wayne between 1917 and 1922
mary sponsor since 2009; Lisa Sty- sets on Sunday nights. Call (734) and is the only known surviving ex-
ers of Arrow Cares; Wayne Memorial The 29th District Court will 722-3170 for more information. ample. Mark your calendars to come
High School Principal Dr. James An- continue using Zoom Hearings as out and welcome this car back to
derson, and Kari Walker, president much as possible for the conven- The Wayne Police Department Wayne (for the day) after 100 years!
& CEO of The Guidance Center. ience of the public and litigants. announced that Sgt. Brent Cahill
Helppie, Styers and Walker are all The court will also continue accept- retired from the Wayne Police De- Stottlemyer Head Start will be
graduates of the school. ing payments online and filings or partment on June 2. Sgt. Cahill hosting an outdoor enrollment fair
payments in the drop-box located on was a highly respected member of at Stottlemyer, 34801 Marquette,
Jack Demmer Ford received the the west side of the court building, the Wayne Police Department who Westland, for the 2021-2022
2020 President's Award, the Top facing the parking lot. However, be- served in various roles, such as Po- school year. The dates are July 14
100 Dealer Award from Ford Motor ginning July 6, 2021, the court will lice Sergeant, Field Training Ser- and August 3, from 10:00 a.m. until
Company, and the Top 100 Volume return to also accepting in-person geant, Evidence Technician, Noon on both dates. This free pre-
Award from Ford Credit. The Pres- court filings and payments. In-per- Background Investigator, and Detec- school program accepts 3-5 year
ident's Award is the highest level of son filings or payments can be made tive. Sgt. Cahill worked at the Wayne
customer satisfaction in sales and Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. Police Department from 2009 to See Briefs, page 15
14· July 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch