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Jackson Foundation to help three middle schools

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         vironment.  These kits are built to
              In 1997, Major League Baseball                                                                      develop skills and highlight career
          Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson, cre-                                                                      pathways for long-term effects. Stu-
          ated a foundation with a specific goal                                                                  dents can also earn portable creden-
          in  mind.  This  goal  was  to  help                                                                    tials  that  can  be  shared  with
          “bridge the digital divide” for the ben-                                                                mentors or future employers.
          efit of disadvantaged kids whose cir-                                                                      Since 2014, MOF has been fund-
          cumstances might affect their ability                                                                   ing STEM101 in schools across the
          to get a good education.                                                                                country and now in greater Detroit.
             Inspired  by  his  father’s  words:                                                                     Wayne-Westland     Community
          “Sports are great, son, but your legs                                                                   Schools have partnered with Eastern
          will give out someday. Get an educa-                                                                    Michigan University and the Mr. Oc-
          tion; no one can ever take that away                                                                    tober Foundation to bring STEM101
          from you,” Jackson wanted to make                                                                       to  three  of  our  middle  schools:
          a  difference  for  underserved  kids                                                                   Adams, Franklin and Stevenson.
          and support schools that are doing                                                                         They donated 110 STEM kits to
          exceptional work for these children.                                                                    the  middle  school  students  this
              Jackson, nicknamed “Mr. Octo-                                                                       spring. A STEM101 summer camp
          ber” created the Mr. October Founda-                                                                    is being sponsored for the 4-8 grade
          tion  for  Kids  (MOF)  over  20  years                                                                 students. Also, they will be providing
          ago in order to do just that.      Reggie Jackson announces that he will be working with three Wayne-Westland mid-  opportunities for the middle school
               For the last six years, MOF has                                                                    students this fall as one of the com-
          teamed  up  with  STEM101  (The    dle Schools. Photo by John Rhaesa                                    munity partners.
          STEM  Academy),  a  national  non-  to advancing economic development  based on the idea of educating stu-  If you want to learn more about
          profit  organization  based  in  Park  by improving STEM literacy for all  dents  in  those  four  specific  disci-  the Mr. October Foundation, you can
          City, Utah.                        students.                          plines.                           visit the website at
             The STEM Academy, Inc. has de-      STEM generally stands for sci-    STEM101 has created individual    If you want to learn more about
          veloped  a  middle  and  high  school  ence,  technology,  engineering,  and  "Skill Kits" for students that can be  STEM101, you can visit the website
          STEM curriculum and is dedicated   mathematics,  and  is  a  curriculum  used at home or in any learning en-  at

          18 · July 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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