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Beaumont opens new Breast Care Center
By Sarah Shurge
A new and expanded Breast Care
Center opened on Monday, June
28th, at Beaumont Hospital, Wayne
The $5 million facility has the lat-
est in screening and diagnostic tech-
nology, and will provide a full array
of breast care services located under
one roof.
“Our goal is to decrease patient’s
anxiety of waiting and the increased
advanced imaging capabilities
should improve wait times.” said Dr. Beaumont Hospital cuts the ribbon at the
Jessica Kaniowski, medical director, new Breast Care Center in Wayne.
Beaumont Breast Care Center, mated in 2020 that approximately curs in women who have no family cess Center at (800)543-9355 and to
Wayne. 30% of all new cancer diagnoses in history of breast cancer. schedule an appointment with a
The new breast care center is women were breast cancer. “A mammogram can be life saving. breast surgeon, call (734)467-2670.
6,625-square-feet, which more than About 1 in 8 women in the U.S. Mammograms are currently the “Having access to a world-class
doubles the size of the former 2,900- will develop breast cancer in her life- most effective method for detecting breast care facility so close to home,
square-foot, off campus site. The time and breast cancer is the second breast cancer in its earliest, most is a true blessing for our entire com-
center has three tomosynthesis leading cause of death among treatable stages. Early detection can munity,” said Mayor Rhaesa.
mammography machines which will women after lung cancer. make a difference” said Dr. Kan- Mayor Rhaesa, President Scar-
triple the access to 3D mammogra- Patient volume for breast care iowski. borough, Dr. Conn, Dr. Kaniowski,
phy. It also has three breast ultra- services at Beaumont, Wayne has To schedule a mammogram, visit and Dr. Ashok Jain, chief medical of-
sound rooms, four exam rooms, a grown 30% in the past five years. ficer, Beaumont Hospital, Wayne, all
dedicated bone density testing suite, To better serve the patients, a big- For appointments at the Breast spoke at the Breast Care Center pre-
and an onsite breast surgeon. ger space was needed. Care Center, call the Beaumont Ac- view on Wednesday, June 23rd.
Other available advanced imaging “Our new, expanded Beaumont
technologies the new centers include Breast Care Center, Wayne would not
are digital mammography, breast ul- have been possible without the gen-
trasound, MRI, and image-guided erous support of our capital cam-
breast procedures. paign donors,” said Tammy
The center also features diagnos- Scarborough, president, Beaumont
tic and surgical consultation con- hospitals: Taylor, Trenton, Wayne.
nected to the hospital and the “The Beaumont Hospital, Wayne
adjacent surgical services. medical staff and employees through
“This expansion is an incredible the Spirit of Giving Program gave
step toward meeting the growing generously.”
need for high-quality breast care in Scarborough gave a special thank
a compassionate environment,” said you to Dr. Donald Conn and the ra-
Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa. “With diologists at Harris, Birkhill, Wang,
specialty-trained experts on hand Songe and Associates for their $1
who are using state-of-the-art equip- million gift. As well as Chief of Staff
ment that will allow for accurate di- Dr. Muzammil Ahmed, Chief Medical
agnosis and earlier detection of Officer Dr. Ashok Jain, and Brian
breast cancer, it is my sincerest hope Madison for their gifts.
that more lives can be saved.” “As physicians we have always be-
Early detection of breast cancer lieved in the importance of giving
is important. Breast cancer that is back to the communities that we
detected early usually means more serve. This donation will help Beau-
treatment options and there is a bet- mont Wayne lead the way in provid-
ter chance of survival. ing the highest quality breast care to
There are over 3.5 million breast our patients and for our patients.
cancer survivors in the United We’re very happy, proud and hum-
States. bled to be part of it,” said Dr. Donald
According to the American Can- Conn, diagnostic radiologist.
cer Society and the National Breast All women 40 years of age and
Cancer Foundation (NBCF), breast older should have an annual mam-
cancer is the most common cancer mogram, along with those with a
diagnosed among US women. family history of breast cancer.
According to NBCF, it was esti- About 85% of breast cancer oc-
16 · July 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch