Page 15 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 15

Briefs, Continued from page 14                                                                          sors  include  Jack  Demmer  Ford,
                                                                                                                  Notre Dame Social Club and Notre
          olds  whose  families  meet  federal                                                                    Dame  Council  3021  and  Wayne
          poverty guidelines. Children do not                                                                     Dairy Queen.
          need  to  be  potty-trained.  Please
          bring 2020 income statements (W2s,                                                                         The Wayne Police Department
          1040,  SSI,  unemployment  letter),                                                                     is proud to announce and display
          proof of residency (deeds, mortgage,                                                                    its  new  "Safe  Exchange  Zone"  in
          lease), two proofs of business mail,                                                                    the front parking lot. The Safe Ex-
          identification,  child’s  birth  record,                                                                change Zone is designated parking
          health  insurance  card  and  immu-                                                                     for exchanging items that you pur-
          nization  records.  Children  do  not                                                                   chase  or  sell  online.  The  Safe  Ex-
          need to be present at enrollment.                                                                       change  Zone  can  also  be  used  for
                                                                                                                  child custody exchanges. This area
             The Wayne Historical Society is                                                                      is under 24/7 video surveillance and
          hosting an historic walking tour in                                                                     was created to offer a peace of mind
          downtown  Wayne.  On  Thursday,                                                                         to the parties involved. Wayne Police
          July 22, a guided tour of Michigan                                                                      Officers may not participate or act as
          Avenue  will  be  held.The  one-hour                                                                    an  official  witness  in  the  transac-
          tours will begin at the Wayne Histor-                                                                   tions, nor are they available for legal
          ical Museum. Comfortable shoes are                                                                      advice or to settle civil or pricing dis-
          a  must.  Please  wear  masks  to  be  Concerts in the Park will be coming back to Goudy Park in August! The first  putes between parties involved in the
          courteous.                                                                                              transactions at this location.
                                             band is Atomic Radio, who play all the top hits from yesterday and today’s Pop,
             Summer Kid’s Day will be held   Rock, and Hip Hop, they will perform at the first concert in Goudy Park on August  The  Wayne  Public  Library  is
          Saturday, August 7, at the Knights  4th. Atomic Radio features musicians who were in the areas hottest bands, that  open  to  the  public. There  are  no
          of Columbus, Notre Dame Council,   came together to form a local super group. The band has been together over four  longer time limits on your visits--you
          3144  S.  Wayne  Rd  in  Wayne.  This                                                                   are welcome to browse, study, and
          free event will be a fun-filled day of  years and has performed at most of the big festivals and outdoor concerts in  Michi-  read for as long as you like. Call the
          crafts, games and fun for all. Spon- gan, and Ohio. See page 7 for complete concert line-up.            library at (734) 721-7832.

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · July 2021 · 15
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