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New officer and promotion

                                                                                within the Police Department

                                                                                By Sarah Shurge
                                                                                  The  Wayne  Police  Department
                                                                                now has 23 police officers and six
                                                                                  In  mid-June,  Officer  Ali  Nahli
                                                                                was sworn in as a police officer and
                                                                                became part of those 23, while Offi-
                                                                                cer Kyle Talmadge was promoted to
                                                                                sergeant and became part of those
                                                                                   Officer Nahli began his orienta-
                                                                                tion process with the Wayne PD on
                                                                                Monday, June 14.
                                                                                  Officer Nahli has a Bachelor’s De-
                                                                                gree from the University of Michigan-
                                                                                Dearborn  and  recently  graduated
                                                                                from the Wayne County Regional Po-
                                                                                lice Academy.
                                                                                  “We’re  thrilled  to  have  Officer
                                                                                Nahli  aboard,”  said  Wayne  Police
                                                                                Chief Ryan Strong. “He seems enthu-
                                                                                siastic and eager to learn. We’re look-
                                                                                ing forward to having him here.”
                                                                                  Sergeant Talmadge has been with  Officer Ali Nahli was sworn in as a police
                                                                                the Wayne Police Department for six  officer.
                                                                                years. Sergeant Talmadge is a Field  Talmadge so I’m thrilled to see him
                                                                                Training  Officer,  a  member  of  the  in his new position. He seems eager
                                                                                Peer Support Team, and a Firearm  to  take  on  his  new  role  and  we’re
                                                                                Instructor.  Prior  to  his  promotion,  confident that he’ll learn a great deal
                                                                                he was a detective in the Wayne In-  about the position and lead the next
                                                                                vestigation Bureau.               generation  of  officers,”  said  Chief
                                                                                  With Talmadge’s promotion, Offi-  Strong.
                                                                                cer Colwell has been put on special  Chief Strong said the best advice
                                                                                assignment to fill the detective spot.   for a new police officer is to remem-
                                                                                  “Officer  Colwell  has  hit  the
                                                                                ground running and done a great job  ber to work hard with integrity, tell
                                                                                                                  the truth, and learn from the experi-
                                                                                handling cases already,” said Chief  ences of other officers.
                                                                                Strong.                              “It’s been 22 years and I love this
                                                                                  A sergeant in the police depart-  job, but it's nice to see young people
                                                                                ment is a leadership position where  build  their  careers.  It’s  important
                                                                                you must help guide and keep offi-  seeing people love this job like I do,”
                                                                                cers on the right path.           said Chief Strong.
                                                                                  “I have a great deal of respect for

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · July 2021 · 17
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