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Hill Crest building project bringing people together

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         building at the time.
             “It’s been a long two and a half                                                                        Some people of the congregation
          years  but  God’s  faithfulness  over-                                                                  that wanted to be more socially dis-
          whelmed the people. There were lots                                                                     tanced, sat in their cars or sat on the
          of tears,” said Seth McDonald, lead                                                                     street so they could still be a part of
          pastor at Hill Crest Bible Church, in                                                                   the service.
          reference to Sunday service on May                                                                         “I’ve loved seeing Christians get
          16th.                                                                                                   excited for church and God’s work.
             Pastor  McDonald  claims  that                                                                       Even  through  the  pandemic,”  said
          every Sunday goes good, but there                                                                       Pastor McDonald.
          was  something  special  about  this                                                                       Pastor  McDonald  has  been  in
          Sunday. It was the first service in the                                                                 ministry for 10 years this August. He
          new sanctuary.                                                                                          was a youth pastor for seven years
             Hill  Crest  started  as  a  new                                                                     before becoming lead pastor at Hill
          church in 2018 in a rented portion                                                                      Crest when it started in 2018.
          of the First United Methodist Church                                                                       If you are looking for more infor-
          of Wayne. After renting and sharing                                                                     mation about Hill Crest or have any
          the same building for two years, the                                                                    questions, you can go to their web-
          First  United  Methodist  Church  de-                                                                   site, There
          cided to close its doors in January                                                                     is a form you can fill out, so they can
          2021.                                                   Hill Crest first service in the newly renovated sanctuary.  get in contact with you.  You can also
             Hill  Crest  decided  to  purchase  that is attached to the church. Pastor  gether. So, he decided to take things  email
          the building from them. By doing so,  McDonald  said  “they  are  calling  it  outside.                    You can also find them on social
          they closed six months sooner than  ‘beautifying.’” “The building is from  For two months, service was out-  media by searching Hill Crest Bible
          they originally planned.           the 50’s, so we don’t want to modern-  side under tents they set up on the  Church  on  Facebook,  Instagram,
             “It really just showed if we trusted  ize the building because it has his-  grounds.  After  every  service  they  and  Twitter,  along  with  YouTube
          him  [God]  or  trusted  the  bank  ac-  tory.  But  we  want  to  make  it  our  would have to tear everything down  where  they  stream  their  services.
          count,” said Pastor McDonald.      building,” said Pastor McDonald.   and set it back up again every week  Links to all social media accounts
             After  closing,  the  renovations  Hill Crest Bible Church is located  because they were still renting the  are on their website.
          began  and  they  decided  to  get  the  in 3 Towne Square in the heart of
          biggest room they had to redo out of  downtown Wayne.
          the  way:  the  sanctuary.  It  was  all  Hill Crest has services on Sunday
          hands on deck.                     at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. On Wednesday
             The congregation and members    nights there is a bible study at 6:30
          of Hill Crest did most of the work  p.m. They offer things for all ages, in-
          themselves  and  Pastor  McDonald  cluding  children's  church  that  is
          claims  that  “pretty  much  everyone  geared  towards  that  specific  age
          had  a  part  in  remodeling  the  group.
          church.” Stating that everyone had    Hill Crest is non-denominational
          their own specific jobs to do, older  and opens its doors to anyone.
          and younger people, every age group   Their motto is: “Come as you are.
          was there working.                 Serve as you are. Love Whose you
             There was lots to do. They gutted  are.”
          the sanctuary down to bones, added   “We want everyone to come and
          new  carpet,  repainted,  built  walls,  we  want  the  Holy  Spirit  to  change
          did  stage  work,  and  added  a  new  them,” said Pastor McDonald.
          sound system. Just to name a few      And visitors continue to come to
          things.                            Hill Crest. Pastor McDonald shared
             “It brought the church closer and  that they have almost a new visitor a
          strengthened  us,”  said  Pastor  Mc-  week, and they had five first time vis-
          Donald. “Even people that don't go to  itors on May 16th for the first service
          church came and volunteered. They  in the new sanctuary.
          just wanted to be a part and help. So,  “When visitors show up we like to
          even through a building project, God  hug,  shake  hands,  and  go  to  their
          is still reaching people.”         house and visit and show them that
             The people of Hill Crest have al-  we appreciate them,” said Pastor Mc-
          ready  changed  some  rooms  in  the  Donald.  “So  it’s  been  a  challenge
          church but are looking to start redo-  with COVID.”
          ing the bathrooms and the nursery     During the first month of COVID,
          next.  They  plan  to  continue  going  Hill Crest did service online. But Pas-
          room by room until every room is re-  tor McDonald is not a fan of online
          done,  including  the  1920  building  service  because  he  likes  being  to-
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · June 2021 · 13
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