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Concerts  in  the  Park  will  be                                                                    career right out of high school. For
          coming back to Goudy Park in Au-                                                                        more information on the William D.
          gust! Get your dancing shoes ready                                                                      Ford Career-Technical Center, please
          for Our Generation and some other                                                                       visit
          great  bands  on  Wednesday  nights.
          The  complete  line-up  will  be  re-                                                                      Books on the Avenue is seeking
          leased later this month.                                                                                crafters, artisan, authors, and ven-
                                                                                                                  dors  for  July  10,  2021  for  their
             Wayne  City  Councilman  An-                                                                         event being held during the US 12
          thony Miller tendered his resigna-                                                                      Car  Cruise.  This  is  an  indoor/out-
          tion as councilman effective June                                                                       door event with limited indoor space.
          1, 2021.                                                                                                You  provide  your  own  10x10  tent,
                                                                                                                  table, and chairs. Message me with
             The  Knights  of  Columbus,                                                                          any questions. Contact the store for
          Notre Dame Council 3021 is seek-                                                                        more information (734) 331-0275.
          ing volunteers to help on June 26
          at  Noon  to  clean  up  around  the                                                                       The  new  play  structure  in  At-
          Peace  Memorial  outside  of  the                                                                       wood Park is going up. Estimate is
          Wayne Public Library.                                                                                   two weeks until competition.
             This is a perfect Saturday after-
          noon family activity and a great way  The new play structure in Atwood Park is going up. Estimate is two weeks until  St.  Mary  Catholic  Church,
          to give back to the community. For  completion.                                                         34530 Michigan Ave., will be hav-
          more  information,  please  contact                                                                     ing a blood drive on Sunday, June
                ational spaces and opportunities for  June 12, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. The  6, 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. For an ap-
                                             free.                              event will be held at the Lions Pavil-  pointment, call the Red Cross at 1-
             The  Wayne  Public  Library  is                                    ion Parking Lot, 1901 N. Carlson, in  800-RED-CROSS.
          kicking  off  the  Summer  Reading    Wayne Public Library cardhold-  Westland. Decorate your car and let
          program Tails and Tales on Satur-  ers  can  now  “check  out”  these  everyone know how many years (or    The Wayne Police Department
          day, June 12. The library is also cel-  passes for FREE for the day. Visit  months) you are celebrating.   is proud to announce and display
          ebrating  its  birthday!  Stop  in  or call the library for more details.                               its  new  "Safe  Exchange  Zone"  in
          between Noon and 5:00 p.m. to sign                                      Students  in  the  Construction  the front parking lot. The Safe Ex-
          up for the summer reading program,    To learn more about the Michigan  Technology program at William D.  change Zone is designated parking
          say “Happy Birthday” to the library  Activity  Pass  program,  including  a  Ford Career-Technical Center are  for exchanging items that you pur-
          and pick up a special library birth-  complete  list  of  supported  venues  helping  out  in  the  community.  chase  or  sell  online.  The  Safe  Ex-
          day gift for yourself, while supplies  and  participating  libraries,  visit  They partnered with the City of West-  change  Zone  can  also  be  used  for
          last.                      To  learn  land and are building a pavilion for  child custody exchanges. This area
                                             more about the Metroparks and the  Jaycee Park which is located at the  is under 24/7 video surveillance and
             The Huron-Clinton Metroparks    distinct features and activities avail-  corner of Hunter and Wildwood. The  was created to offer a peace of mind
          and the system’s 13 unique parks   able at each, visit    William  D.  Ford  Career-Technical  to the parties involved.
          are now officially the newest desti-                                  Center offers 19 hands-on programs   Wayne  Police  Officers  may  not
          nations  in  the  Michigan  Activity  Relay  for  Life  of  Westland-  for high school juniors and seniors  participate or act as an official wit-
          Pass (MAP) program, offering pub-  Wayne 2021 is looking for cancer   taught by highly qualified staff with  ness in the transactions, nor are they
          lic library card holders across the  survivors and caregivers for their  industry-standard  equipment.  Stu-  available for legal advice or to settle
          state the chance to check out and ac-  upcoming 2021 Relay for Life Sur-  dents  gain  the  skills  and  certifica-
          cess these world-class outdoor recre-  vivor  Car  Parade  on  Saturday,  tions  needed  so  they  can  start  a       See Briefs, page 15

          14· June 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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