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WMHS seniors prepare for graduation

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         walked through the gym to grab their
             As the school year comes to an                                                                       cap  and  gown,  senior  t-shirt,  and
          end, it's an exciting time for seniors                                                                  class of 2021 lawn sign, and exited
          with prom, graduation, summer, and                                                                      through the door closest to the ten-
          then the start of their next adventure,                                                                 nis court.
          college.                                                                                                   “This was easily the hardest year
             “Honestly, it feels amazing,” said                                                                   of my life. It was my most rigorous
          Madison Tate-Rankin, WMHS senior.                                                                       class  schedule.  So  many  times  I
          “It’s nice to have a break. I’ve been                                                                   wanted to give up so bad. But I didn’t
          doing AP classes, so it’ll be nice to                                                                   and I ended with a 4.8,” said Sydney
          chill before going to college and start-                                                                Sharon, WMHS senior.
          ing all over again.”                                                                                       Senior year can be challenging for
             Everyone  imagines  what  their                                                                      students  in  general,  but  especially
          senior year and high school gradua-                                                                     during  a  pandemic  with  online
          tion would look like. But it's hard to                                                                  classes.
          imagine  what  that  would  look  like                                                                     “I had a lot of people helping me:
          during a pandemic.                                                                                      my friends, my family, my teachers,
             This year looked a little different                                                                  my coach. Swimming helped. It was
          at Wayne Memorial High School.     Madison Tate-Rankin, Khushi Patel, Victoria Ceci, Sydney Sharon, Morgan Butler  something steady, so for two hours
             Wayne  Memorial  was  doing  vir-                                                                    of practice you didn’t have to worry
          tual classes until March 1st. Then  and Mirian Mendoza. Photo by John Rhaesa                            about  the  chaos  or  anything  else,”
          the  school  switched  to  two  hybrid  doza, Madison Tate-Rankin, Khushi  us, it’s the new normal,” said Butler.  said Mirian Mendoza, WMHS senior.
          groups, group A and group B. Group  Patel, Victoria Ceci, Sydney Sharon,  On June 1st at 8AM, WMHS sen-    WMHS 2021 graduation will be
          A does in-person classes on Monday  Morgan Butler, and Eliszabeth Davis.  iors reported to the Alumni Area to  on June 3rd in the Wayne Memorial
          and Tuesday. Group B does in-per-    “We are very proud of these young  take another step closer to the grad-  High School Alumni Arena.
          son classes on Thursday and Friday.  ladies.  They  persevered  in  their  uation finish line. It was time to pick  “We  will  miss  them  dearly.  We
          Wednesday is full remote for the en-  classes  and  were  also  our  school  up their cap and gowns.    wish them the best in their future en-
          tire school.                       leaders.  These  young  women  were  The seniors lined up at the gym  deavors,” said WMHS Assistant Prin-
             “The  past  year  has  been  more  diligent in their studies, helped plan  door  closest  to  the  baseball  field,  cipal, Bukosky.
          challenging than other years with the  and  execute  several  school-wide
          online classes but it really helped me  events throughout their time here at
          learn self-motivation and self-dedica-  WMHS, and were always willing to
          tion  that  I  can  apply  to  future  lend a helping hand,” said WMHS As-
          classes,” said Morgan Butler, WMHS  sistant Principal, Stacie Bukosky.
          senior.                              “Girl power,” the group of seven
             This year looked different for the  girls  in  their  caps  and  gowns
          valedictorians and salutatorians as  cheered together.
          well. They are all girls.            “We’ve seen a trend of girls in AP
             The class of 2021 valedictorians  classes, so to see this didn’t seem as
          and salutatorians are: Mirian Men-  surprising as you would think. For
          COVID-19 vaccine event

          at Hype Recreation Center

             The  City  of  Wayne  has  been  older.
          touched by COVID just like any other  Registration or appointments are
          community. People have gotten sick.  not needed. The clinic is doing walk-
          People have passed away. Now, peo-  ins only. Vaccines will be provided
          ple are ready to save lives.       free of charge to residents. Simply
             Hype Recreation Center is host-  bring your ID and walk inside Hype
          ing  a  COVID-19  vaccine  event  for  Recreation Center, on the corner of
          Wayne residents. The event is open  Howe  Rd.  and  Annapolis  St.,  for
          to all residents within the age restric-  your vaccine.
          tion based on the vaccine brand.      The City of Wayne partnered with
             For  the  Pfizer  vaccine,  the  first  Wayne  County  Public  Health  and
          dose was on May 17th. The second   MDHHS  to  bring  you  this  vaccine
          dose will be on June 7th from 9 a.m.  event.
          to 3 p.m. for ages 12 and older.      If  you  have  any  questions,  you
             The Johnson & Johnson vaccine   can email or
          (only one dose needed) was on May  call and leave a message at (313)923-
          26th and May 27th for ages 18 and  7531.
          16 · June 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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