Page 15 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 15
Briefs, Continued from page 14 Come on out to the Wayne Histor-
ical Museum during the US12 Car
civil or pricing disputes between par- Cruise.
ties involved in the transactions at There will be kids crafts and
this location. demonstrations. The Dearborn Old
Engine Club will have old engines set
Upcoming events at the Wayne up and running. There will also be a
Historical Museum include: small flea market, a selection of old
June 10 – History of Motorized cars and the museum will be open.
Emergency Vehicles Hillcrest Church will be serving food
Join guest speaker Anthony Rzu- and have a selection of cars to view.
cidlo as he shares the history of mo- Come on out for a great time! The
torized emergency equipment museum fun all happens on Satur-
including fire trucks and ambu- day, July 10, from 10:00 a.m. until
lances. Event starts at 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
The Wayne Historical Society is Cruisin’ US 12 has announced
hosting several historic walking that Saturday, July 10, 2021, will
tours in downtown Wayne this be the date of the next annual car
summer. cruise on Michigan Avenue in
On Thursday, June 24, a guided Wayne. During the cruise a 1919
tour of the route of old Monroe Harroun car will be on display at
Street, Wayne’s former business dis- the Wayne Historical Museum.
trict, will be held. The Harroun is one of less than
On Thursday, July 22, a guided 3,000 made in Wayne between 1917
tour of Michigan Avenue will be held. and 1922 and is the only known sur-
The one hour tours will begin at viving example. Mark your calendars
the Wayne Historical Museum. Com- to come out and welcome this car
fortable shoes are a must. Please back to Wayne (for the day) after 100
wear masks to be courteous. years!
The Wayne Dispatch · June 2021 · 15