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Father and son have passion for cars at K&S
By Sarah Shurge ever he wants. He used to go to
Ray Kull always had a passion for Michigan International Speedway on
cars. Father’s Day for a race.
At a young age he began messing Now Ray, a father and grandfa-
around with cars in the driveway. ther, usually goes racing on Father’s
Growing up in the City of Wayne six Day with his son, Steve, who is also
blocks behind an auto repair shop, a father to two boys of his own.
Kull spent a lot of time in the shop Steve’s two sons are young but
and eventually started working there. are already following in the Kull foot-
While working in the auto indus- steps and like cars and spend a lot
try, he learned about cars, people of time around their dad when he
and how people in the industry works on race cars.
worked. He then started working If you are looking for more infor-
professionally. mation about K & S or have ques-
However, quickly he found him- tions you can find them on Facebook
self working in the store all day, and by searching K & S Auto Service Inc.
then working on cars all night. He or email them at k-sautoservice@au-
decided he wanted to do this on his You can also call them
own. at (734)595-1550.
With a push from his father and If you’re looking for a way to
his boss, Kull, at the age of 25, left show your support for K & S, you’re
his job, purchased a building and in luck.
went out to work alone. Well, almost Steve started working with father Ray in the family business last October. Photo by K & S finished in fourth place last
alone. John Rhaesa year in Local 4’s Vote 4 The Best con-
In September of 1984, Kull an engine repair shop, working gether and have been doing it for a test for auto repair shops in the tri-
started a business with his brother, hands on with cars, but even more long time. county area. They finished in fifth
Jim Kull. They called it K & S Auto so with race cars. Ray has made it a tradition with place the year before. Nominations
Service. Over 35 years later, K & S is When Steve was about 20 years his wife that on Father's Day - him- began June 1st and you can vote for
still in business and the brothers are old, he really started helping out his self being a father - he can do what- K & S by visiting
still working together. dad at K & S. Then, in October 2020,
K & S Auto Service is a general Steve joined his father and uncle,
automotive repair shop. As mechan- and started working at K & S with
ics, the Kull brothers do a little bit of them.
everything and made the business a “The best part is being able to
‘one stop shop’ for their customers. hangout with dad and uncle every-
Some of the services they offer day,” said Steve. “We are working on
are: oil changes, brake service, en- something different everyday.”
gine tune-ups, transmission replace- Ray, Jim, and Steve are all me-
ment, automotive air conditioning chanics at K & S Auto Service. Ray
service, and more. is also the owner.
K & S Auto Service is located on The Kull brothers are trying to
the corner of Wayne Rd. and Annapo- see how the newest Kull will fit into
lis St. It’s business hours are 8AM- the business that has been running
6PM Monday through Thursday and for over 35 years. Ray Kull has high
8AM-3PM on Friday. They are not hopes for his son and K & S.
open on Saturday or Sunday. “It can be trying sometimes. We
Kull and his wife, Debra, have all can butt heads. But I still remem-
two children: a son and daughter. ber, they are family at the end of the
And the apple didn’t fall far from the day. It’s important to never forget
tree. Kull’s passion for cars was that. Work is work but family is fam-
passed down to his son, Steve. ily,” said Kull.
Steve grew up working on race Outside of work, Steve never
cars with his father. From ages 8-15 grew out of his love for racing and he
years old, Steve raced junior drag- still races cars. Between himself, his
sters. Eventually he started working father - Ray, his uncle - Jim, and his
on everyday cars as well. cousin - Jim’s son, they have four
For 8 years Steve lived not far be- race cars between the four of them.
hind his father’s automotive shop. Steve has a 1964 Chevrolet Mal-
He grew up in the shop, spending ibu Station Wagon. Ray has a 1968
every other day there. He helped his Pontiac GTO. Jim and his son have
dad there for years. two 1990s Chevrolet ST10 Pickups.
Eventually he began working at The four of them race cars to-
18 · June 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch